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Modern Italian Grammar: A Practical Guide (Modern Grammars)

Modern Italian Grammar follows an entirely new approach to learning Italian. It embraces a new way of looking at grammar not as an ultimate goal, but as the tool with which we construct a dialogue or a piece of writing.

Modern Italian Grammar is specifically designed to be accessible to the English reader not brought up in the Italian tradition of grammar and language analysis. It is unique both in its combination of formal grammar reference section and its guide to usage organized along functional lines, and because it has been compiled by an English mother-tongue teacher of Italian and an Italian native speaker, working closely together.

It is the ideal reference text to use with newer language courses, for both beginner and advanced learner.

An innovative practical reference grammar, combining traditional and function-based grammar in a single volume, this is the ideal reference grammar for intermediate and advanced learners at advanced secondary level and above.

Spatial Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Project Management (GeoJournal Library)
Spatial Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Project Management (GeoJournal Library)
This first of a kind book places spatial data within the broader domain of information technology (IT) while providing a comprehensive and coherent explanation of the guiding principles, methods, implementation and operational management of spatial databases within the workplace. The text explains the key concepts, issues and processes of spatial...
Universe or Multiverse?
Universe or Multiverse?

Recent developments in cosmology and particle physics, such as the string landscape picture, have led to the remarkable realization that our universe - rather than being unique - could be just one of many universes. The multiverse proposal helps to explain the origin of the universe and some of its observational features. Since the physical...

Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics, Second Edition
Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics, Second Edition

Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics, Second Edition covers the fundamental algorithms that are the core of all 3D computer graphics software packages. Using Core OpenGL and OpenGL ES, the book enables you to create a complete suite of programs for 3D computer animation, modeling, and image synthesis.


Beyond Nature and Culture
Beyond Nature and Culture
Philippe Descola has become one of the most important anthropologists working today, and Beyond Nature and Culture has been a major influence in European intellectual life since its French publication in 2005. Here, finally, it is brought to English-language readers. At its heart is a question central to both anthropology and...
No Plastic Sleeves: The Complete Portfolio Guide for Photographers and Designers
No Plastic Sleeves: The Complete Portfolio Guide for Photographers and Designers

Your resume and cover letter, as well as a digital portfolio, business card and mailers, will function as the first contact and impression you make. These items will work to get your "foot in the door." Ultimately, however, it will be your portfolio book or online portfolio website that will land you the job. The creation of your...

The Elements of Continuum Biomechanics
The Elements of Continuum Biomechanics

An appealing and engaging introduction to Continuum Mechanics in Biosciences

This book presents the elements of Continuum Mechanics to people interested in applications to biological systems. It is divided into two parts, the first of which introduces the basic concepts within a strictly one-dimensional spatial context. This policy...

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