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Computational Cardiology: Modeling of Anatomy, Electrophysiology, and Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Computational Cardiology: Modeling of Anatomy, Electrophysiology, and Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Biomedical research is at a critical point at present. The research has led to an enormous amount of data and models describing these data, but approaches for application, formalization and integration of this knowledge from the molecular to the system level are still topics of ongoing research and certainly far from fully...
Case Files Family Medicine (LANGE Case Files)
Case Files Family Medicine (LANGE Case Files)


"Numerous case-based books exist for various medical areas, including family medicine, but the unique approach of this one makes it particularly useful for students and early level learners. The questions posed with each case are consistent with board-exam...

Middle Ear and Mastoid Surgery
Middle Ear and Mastoid Surgery

From simple myringoplasty to cochlear implantation, this up-to-date reference on middle ear and mastoid surgery is designed for frequent use, easy comprehension, and quick reference. The book describes the latest techniques for virtually every surgery performed in the middle ear and mastoid.

This is the first otologic...

Cracking the New GMAT, 2013 Edition: Revised and Updated for the New GMAT (Graduate School Test Preparation)
Cracking the New GMAT, 2013 Edition: Revised and Updated for the New GMAT (Graduate School Test Preparation)

If you need to know it for the next-generation GMAT, it’s in this book. Cracking the New GMAT, 2013 Edition has been completely revised and updated for the changes coming to the new GMAT in June 2012. It includes:
   • Access to 2 full-length practice tests

Cengage Advantage Books: Intermediate Algebra: Connecting Concepts through Applications
Cengage Advantage Books: Intermediate Algebra: Connecting Concepts through Applications

INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: CONNECTING CONCEPTS THROUGH APPLICATIONS shows students how to apply traditional mathematical skills in real-world contexts. The emphasis on skill building and applications engages students as they master concepts, problem solving, and communication skills. It modifies the rule of four, integrating algebraic techniques,...

Introduction to Digital Systems: Modeling, Synthesis, and Simulation Using VHDL
Introduction to Digital Systems: Modeling, Synthesis, and Simulation Using VHDL

A unique guide to using both modeling and simulation in digital systems design

Digital systems design requires rigorous modeling and simulation analysis that eliminates design risks and potential harm to users. Introduction to Digital Systems: Modeling, Synthesis, and Simulation Using VHDL introduces the application...

CompTIA Security+: Get Certified Get Ahead: SY0-301 Study Guide
CompTIA Security+: Get Certified Get Ahead: SY0-301 Study Guide

CompTIA Security+: Get Certified Get Ahead: SY0-301 Study Guide is an update to the top-selling SY0-201 guide, which helped thousands of readers pass the exam the first time they took it. The SY0-301 version covers every aspect of the SY0-301 exam, and includes the same elements readers raved about in the previous version.


Instant Citrix Security How-to
Instant Citrix Security How-to

With the rise of cloud computing and virtualization comes a whole new threat to business security. When dealing with highly confidential information you need your security to be bulletproof. This book will help you do that.

"Instant Citrix Security: How-to" will allow you to achieve simplicity in security when dealing...

Learning Articulate Storyline
Learning Articulate Storyline

Storyline is an authoring tool packed with out-of-the-box features that don’t require any special knowledge to operate. That’s right; this is a programming-free zone! E-learning authoring is no longer limited to developers; the doors are now wide open for subject matter experts with their content, writers with their storyboards,...

Theories of Information, Communication and Knowledge: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Theories of Information, Communication and Knowledge: A Multidisciplinary Approach

This book addresses some of the key questions that scientists have been asking themselves for centuries: what is knowledge? What is information? How do we know that we know something? How do we construct meaning from the perceptions of things? Although no consensus exists on a common definition of the concepts of information and...

Windows Phone 7 Programming for Android and iOS Developers
Windows Phone 7 Programming for Android and iOS Developers

Learn to develop for the new Windows Phone 7 platform

With a special focus placed on the new Windows Phone 7 (WP7) design guidelines and technologies, this reference helps you extend your knowledge so that you can learn to develop for the new WP7 platform. The team of authors presents topic-by-topic comparisons between WP7...

Learn Python Visually
Learn Python Visually

Learn Python Visually is a modern breakthrough that makes learning programming more intuitive, easier, and fun. Using the most basic approach to learning that we all inherently know from childhood, "Learn Python VISUALLY" solves the comprehension problem that so many other books cannot seem to bridge. Visual learners retain...

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