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Simply Rails 2
Simply Rails 2
Want to learn all about Ruby on Rails 2.0, the web application framework that is inspiring developers around the world?

The second edition of this practical, hands on book will:

  • show you how to install Ruby on Rails on Windows, Mac, or Linux
  • walk you, step by step, through the development of a Web 2.0...
Networking All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies
Networking All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies
9 books in 1– your key to networking success!

Your one-stop guide to building, securing, and administering networks large and small

So you’re in charge of the network? No worries! This handy all-in-one guide provides a bird’s-eye view of all the important stuff, like installing and configuring various network...

Xcode 3 Unleashed
Xcode 3 Unleashed
Apple’s new Xcode 3 is the most powerful Mac development suite ever created. In Xcode 3 Unleashed, renowned Mac developer Fritz Anderson has written the definitive guide to making the most of Xcode 3 to build any Macintosh or iPhone application.


Anderson leads you through a...

2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Winter 2002-2003
2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Winter 2002-2003
2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Winter 2002-2003

2600: The Hacker Quarterly is a quarterly American publication that specializes in publishing technical information on a variety of subjects
Open Source Systems Security Certification
Open Source Systems Security Certification
Open Source Advances in Computer Applications book series provides timely technological and business information for:

Enabling Open Source Systems (OSS) to become an integral part of systems and devices produced by technology companies;

Inserting OSS in the critical path of complex network development and embedded...

A Beginner's Guide to Gambas: Programming
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas: Programming
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas is the first definitive reference for the Linux-based Gambas programming language. Gambas ships with a graphical development environment based on the Basic programming language. It supports object-oriented programming and is similar to Microsoft's Visual Basic product. Gambas uses the Qt toolkit and supports other...
JRuby Cookbook
JRuby Cookbook
If you're interested in JRuby, you probably don't need a turorial on Ruby, Rails, or Java -- you just need to know how to get things done. This Cookbook offers practical solutions for using the Java implementation of the Ruby language, with targeted recipes for deploying Rails web applications on Java servers, integrating JRuby code with Java...
Ubuntu Kung Fu: Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Hacks
Ubuntu Kung Fu: Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Hacks
This book was born out of an experiment carried out when Ubuntu 6.06 was released in 2006. Back then Ubuntu was rougher around the edges than it is today. Getting MP3 files to play took some effort. Only a handful of wifi cards worked out of the box and the rest had to be wrangled into working.

So I wrote 25 tips to get Ubuntu working
Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library
Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library
Learning OpenCV puts you right in the middle of the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. Written by the creators of OpenCV, the widely used free open-source library, this book introduces you to computer vision and demonstrates how you can quickly build applications that enable computers to "see" and make decisions based on the...
Canning Spam: You've Got Mail (That You Don't Want)
Canning Spam: You've Got Mail (That You Don't Want)
We've all seen it — the e-mails that come to us from a sender we don't know and promise a frog that jumps across our screen, a low mortgage rate or a medical miracle pill. These e-mails are otherwise known as spam. Your inbox gets cluttered or worse, your computer is infected with a virus as you scratch your head, wondering how it ever...
Bounce, Tumble, and Splash!: Simulating the Physical World with Blender 3D
Bounce, Tumble, and Splash!: Simulating the Physical World with Blender 3D
Learn all about Blender, the premier open-source 3D software, in Bounce, Tumble, and Splash!: Simulating the Physical World with Blender 3D. You will find step-by-step instructions for using Blender’s complex features and full-color visual examples with detailed descriptions of the processes. If you’re an advanced...
Network Query Language with CDROM
Network Query Language with CDROM
Learn about an exciting new technology that is revolutionizing network and Internet content delivery

As the first pure language of the content engineering era, Network Query Language (NQL) is the ultimate tool for rapid and simple development of intelligent agents, bots, spiders, middleware, and scalable business-to-business content aggregation...

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