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Building Telephony Systems with Asterisk
Building Telephony Systems with Asterisk
An easy introduction to using and configuring Asterisk to build feature-rich telephony systems for small and medium businesses. This book shows how to build a telephony system for your home or business using the free and open source application, Asterisk. 'Building a Telephony System with Asterisk' takes you step-by-step through the process of...
MySQL and mSQL
MySQL and mSQL
MySQL and mSQL provides the essentials to programming with these two popular Unix freeware database packages in C/C++, Perl, Python, and Java. The book begins with a fine introduction to databases that covers tables, fields, indexes, and normalization. Then it explains the history of the freeware mSQL and MySQL packages (which offer better...
Novell GroupWise 7 Administrator Solutions Guide
Novell GroupWise 7 Administrator Solutions Guide

Novell GroupWise 7 Administrator Solutions Guide is the authoritative guide for successfully administrating and maintaining the newest release of Novell's communication and collaboration solution. Author Tay Kratzer, a Novell Premium Service-Primary Support Engineer, will provide you with insider...

Game Programming Gems (Game Programming Gems Series)
Game Programming Gems (Game Programming Gems Series)
Aimed at the working (or aspiring) Visual C/C++ game programmer, Game Programming Gems contains over 60 programming tips that have been gathered from more than 40 working game gurus. It you want to build your own games or are interested simply in how games work, this text provides an intriguing glimpse into how the pros create...
The Firebird Book: A Reference for Database Developers
The Firebird Book: A Reference for Database Developers

The Firebird Book: A Guide for Database Developers is a comprehensive, practical guide for developing client/server FirebirdSQL database applications for small and large networks of users. FirebirdSQL is an open source database, and while not as popular as MySQL or PostgreSQL, it has a dedicated following, and has far more advanced features.

An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 (Bruce Perens' Open Source Series)
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 (Bruce Perens' Open Source Series)

Learn C++, Patterns, and Qt 4 Cross-Platform Development

Master C++ and design patterns together, using the world's leading open source framework for cross-platform development: Qt 4.

An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4 is a complete tutorial and reference that assumes...

Windows Forensics: The Field Guide for Corporate Computer Investigations
Windows Forensics: The Field Guide for Corporate Computer Investigations

The evidence is in--to solve Windows crime, you need Windows tools

An arcane pursuit a decade ago, forensic science today is a household term. And while the computer forensic analyst may not lead as exciting a life as TV's CSIs do, he or she relies just as heavily on scientific principles and just as surely solves crime.


Pro OGRE 3D Programming
Pro OGRE 3D Programming

Pro OGRE 3D Programming is your detailed guide to utilizing the OGRE 3D engine, one of the best-in-breed 3D rendering libraries available. You'll learn what OGRE is, and more importantly, what it is not. OGRE gives you an object-oriented interface to render 3D scenes independent of the implementation, such as Direct3D or OpenGL. OGRE is...

Building Internet Firewalls (2nd Edition)
Building Internet Firewalls (2nd Edition)
In the vast and varied universe of computer books, only a few stand out as the best in their subject areas. Building Internet Firewalls is one of those. It's deep, yet carefully focused, so that almost anything you might want to know about firewall strategies for protecting networks is here. In addition, there's lots of information on...
Practical PHP and MySQL(R): Building Eight Dynamic Web Applications (Negus Live Linux Series)
Practical PHP and MySQL(R): Building Eight Dynamic Web Applications (Negus Live Linux Series)
Everyone is going nuts about the Web. Ever since we started getting creaky old modems installed in our homes and businesses, the Web has become an increasingly dominant part of our lives. With it we explore, shop, diagnose, entertain, amuse, communicate, collaborate, and more. The Web is no longer a novelty item that the few use to stretch their...
Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition & Process Control
Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition & Process Control
Why purchase expensive add-on cards or bus interfaces when you can develop effective and economical data acquisition and process controls using C programs? Using the under-employed printer adapter (that is, the parallel port of your PC), you can turn your computer into a powerful tool for developing microprocessor applications. Learn how to build a...
19 Deadly Sins of Software Security (Security One-off)
19 Deadly Sins of Software Security (Security One-off)

This essential book for all software developers--regardless of platform, language, or type of application--outlines the “19 deadly sins” of software security and shows how to fix each one. Best-selling authors Michael Howard and David LeBlanc, who teach Microsoft employees how to secure code, have partnered with John Viega, the man...

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