| The similarities between C# and Java are immediate and obvious, but Java programmers need to overcome certain challenges before they can get up to speed with C#. The expert authors of this title have written the perfect guide to help Java developers move past pitfalls and learn to make use of C#.The authors demonstrate the syntactical and architectural similarities between the two languages-and what's different in C#-to transform Java developers into productive C# developers as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Java developers—learn C# quickly and thoroughly with this book!
Although Java and C# share many similarities, there are fundamental differences between them. What's more, C#—the language designed from the ground up for programming the Microsoft® .NET Framework—offers a wealth of new features that enable programmers to tap the full power of .NET. This is the ideal guide to help any experts—reveal the similarities and differences between the two platforms these languages support. Then they show you how to leverage your Java experience to get up to speed in C# development with a minimum of difficulty. It's the definitive programming resource as you tackle the .NET class libraries and learn to write applications for .NET with C#. |