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C# for Java Developers

C# for Java Developers, 9780735617797 (0735617791), Microsoft Press, 2002
The similarities between C# and Java are immediate and obvious, but Java programmers need to overcome certain challenges before they can get up to speed with C#. The expert authors of this title have written the perfect guide to help Java developers move past pitfalls and learn to make use of C#.The authors demonstrate the syntactical and architectural similarities between the two languages-and what's different in C#-to transform Java developers into productive C# developers as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Java developers—learn C# quickly and thoroughly with this book!

Although Java and C# share many similarities, there are fundamental differences between them. What's more, C#—the language designed from the ground up for programming the Microsoft® .NET Framework—offers a wealth of new features that enable programmers to tap the full power of .NET. This is the ideal guide to help any experts—reveal the similarities and differences between the two platforms these languages support. Then they show you how to leverage your Java experience to get up to speed in C# development with a minimum of difficulty. It's the definitive programming resource as you tackle the .NET class libraries and learn to write applications for .NET with C#.
Just Enough Project Management: The Indispensable Four-Step Process for Managing Any Project Better, Faster, Cheaper
Just Enough Project Management: The Indispensable Four-Step Process for Managing Any Project Better, Faster, Cheaper
The project-driven approach has proven its value, leading to spectacular results--projects delivered faster and at a more reasonable cost than ever before. Problem is, the project management process used for large projects is too cumbersome and bureaucratic for the projects most of us face, and is often more complex and costly than the problems it...
About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design
About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design
Interaction Design professionals are constantly seeking to ensure that software and software-enabled products are developed with the end-user's goals in mind to make them more powerful and enjoyable for people who use them. This text ensures it.

First published seven years ago-just before the World Wide Web exploded into dominance in the...

Programming Jakarta Struts
Programming Jakarta Struts
As popular as the Struts Framework for building web applications with Servlets and JSPs is becoming, the online documentation is inadequate, focusing on the most basic functionality and leaving out information crucial to developers writing today's complex web applications. O'Reilly's Programming Jakarta Struts was written by Chuck Cavaness...

Jakarta Pitfalls: Time-Saving Solutions for Struts, Ant, JUnit, and Cactus
Jakarta Pitfalls: Time-Saving Solutions for Struts, Ant, JUnit, and Cactus
Escape from common coding pitfalls with this detailed book of proven Jakarta missteps and solutions

The dangers of Jakarta pitfalls are everywhere and countless developers have already been trapped. These mistakes have delayed schedules, allowed major bugs to get into the users’ hands, or led to numerous rewrites in maintenance. Luckily,...

Conflict 101: A Manager's Guide to Resolving Problems So Everyone Can Get Back to Work
Conflict 101: A Manager's Guide to Resolving Problems So Everyone Can Get Back to Work

We all know conflict is unavoidable, especially in the workplace. Whether it's a fight over resources, a disagreement about how to get things done, or an argument stemming from perceived differences in identities or values, it's a manager's role to navigate relationships, and build compromises and collaborations. "Conflict...

Case Study Research in Software Engineering: Guidelines and Examples
Case Study Research in Software Engineering: Guidelines and Examples

Based on their own experiences of in-depth case studies of softwareprojects in international corporations, in this book theauthors present detailed practical guidelines on the preparation,conduct, design and reporting of case studies of softwareengineering.  This is the first software engineering specificbook on the case study...

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