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Cubicle Warfare: 101 Office Traps and Pranks


Get revenge on all your annoying coworkers with this guide to 101 awesome office pranks

Are your eyes beginning to glaze over from the fluorescent lights in your tiny cubicle? Have you had one too many burnt cups of coffee? Does the guy in the cube next to you insist on pencil-drumming while cranking "Hells Bells" and five-finger discounting your paper clips? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then you're in need of some Cubicle Warfare.

With Cubicle Warfare, you'll never be bored at the office again. Make your coworkers jump, squeal, and run for cover with hilarious pranks such as the Paper Clip Chain, Bottomless Box, and the Sticky Note Office, as well as the more advanced Freezer Bomb, Chair Chaos, and Textless Keyboard. Even if you're not a prankster yourself, you can still use this riotous guide to recognize the warning signs and defend your desk from conniving coworkers. Bad days at the office will be a thing of the past.

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