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Jump Start PHP

Jump Start PHP, 9780987467409 (0987467409), SitePoint Pty Ltd, 2013

Get a Jump Start on PHP today!

PHP is a key server-side technology in web development, enabling you to quickly and simply develop interactive, usable and engaging websites and applications.

In just one weekend with this SitePoint book, you'll learn how to:

  • Install all of the software you need to begin developing PHP applications
  • Understand PHP functions and syntax
  • Build a complete, working PHP application from scratch: a simple social networking app

Plus you'll discover how to use modern techniques such as MVC and REST

The Two Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke
The Two Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke
This groundbreaking exposé brings to light the surprising financial consequences of mothers going to work, and the precarious position of today's middle class.

More than two decades ago, the women's movement flung open the doors of the workplace. Although this social revolution created a firestorm of controversy, no one questioned the...

The Future of the MBA: Designing the Thinker of the Future
The Future of the MBA: Designing the Thinker of the Future

The MBA is probably the hottest ticket among the current university graduate degree offerings--every year, more than 120,000 students enroll in MBA programs in the United States, and the estimates in Europe do not lag far behind. In addition, job prospects have never looked better for business school graduates; corporations are hiring more...

Going Virtual: Distributed Communities of Practice
Going Virtual: Distributed Communities of Practice
This text describes how more subtle kinds of knowledge can be managed in a distributed international environment. It also describes work in the field of knowledge management, with a specific focus on the management of knowledge .

Going Virtual: Distributed Communities of Practice contributes to the understanding of how more...

A+ Technician's On-the-Job Guide to Windows XP
A+ Technician's On-the-Job Guide to Windows XP

Designed for the IT professional with 1-3 years of experience who needs to put their experience to work quickly and effectively in an XP environment, this practical guide offers readers skill-building as well as troubleshooting information on Windows XP.

If you’re working as an...

International Project Management
International Project Management
International Project Management provides specific guidelines for achieving greater project success. It is the result of 15 years of work on international projects by the authors across various project areas and industries. The authors address a need for modern techniques in project management geared and suited to international...
IT Service Management: A Guide for ITIL Foundation Exam Candidates Second Edition
IT Service Management: A Guide for ITIL Foundation Exam Candidates Second Edition

ITIL® and IT service management have been practised successfully around the world for more than 20 years. ITIL® is a framework for IT service management and provides best management practice to meet ISO/IEC 20k. This guide introduces ITIL both to Foundation Examination candidates and to people simply looking to gain a practical...

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