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Linux Networking-Howto

Linux Networking-Howto, 9780595154692 (0595154697), Iuniverse Inc, 2000
The Linux Networking-HOWTO details important networking issues when using the popular Linux operating system. Linux Networking-HOWTO includes:

* informative background material for newcomers
* a generic discussion of networking issues
* technology-specific information grouped in three main sections: Ethernet and IP-related information, technologies pertaining to widespread PC hardware, and seldom-used technologies.

This book is an outgrowth of the original NET-FAQ, written by Matt Welsh and Terry Dawson. It covered the very early development versions of the Linux Networking Kernel. Linux Networking HOWTO is an updated resource, and relates to version 4 of the Linux Networking Kernel, or more specifically kernel releases 2.x and 2.2.x.

We will try to provide comprehensive coverage for all Linux Networking implementations. However, time is of the essence, and this document is not a revenue maker. We provide this information in the hope that it will be useful to both the Linux Community and to newly converted Linux users. We are always interested in feedback! We will implement every relevant topic possible in this HOWTO document.
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