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C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET
C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET
C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET introduces Microsoft's new extensions to the C++ syntax that allow you to target the common language runtimethe key to the heart of the .NET 3.0 platform. In 12 no-fluff chapters, Microsoft insider Gordon Hogenson takes you into the core of the C++/CLI language and explains both how the language...
Google Advertising Tools : Cashing in with AdSense, AdWords, and the Google APIs
Google Advertising Tools : Cashing in with AdSense, AdWords, and the Google APIs

When it comes to advertising on the web, you just can't argue with the numbers. A $7 billion market today is expected to grow to $18.9 billion by 2010. Jupiter Research also estimates that search advertising will be a larger share of the market than display advertising by 2010. These phenomenal numbers are due largely to...

Visual Basic 2005 in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell)
Visual Basic 2005 in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell)

When Microsoft made Visual Basic into an object-oriented programming language, millions of VB developers resisted the change to the .NET platform. Now, after integrating feedback from their customers and creating Visual Basic 2005, Microsoft finally has the right carrot. Visual Basic 2005 offers the power of the .NET...

Google Maps Hacks
Google Maps Hacks

Want to find every pizza place within a 15-mile radius? Where the dog parks are in a new town? The most central meeting place for your class, club or group of friends? The cheapest gas stations on a day-to-day basis? The location of convicted sex offenders in an area to which you may be considering moving? The applications,...

RFID Essentials (Theory in Practice)
RFID Essentials (Theory in Practice)

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is rapidly changing the
way businesses track inventory and assets. From Wal-Mart and Tesco to the
U.S. Department of Defense, early efforts are already showing benefits,
but software, integration, and data processing for RFID still present a
challenge. If you are a

Excel Scientific and Engineering Cookbook
Excel Scientific and Engineering Cookbook

Given the improved analytical capabilities of Excel, scientists and engineers everywhere are using it--instead of FORTRAN--to solve problems. And why not? Excel is installed on millions of computers, features a rich set of built-in analyses tools, and includes an integrated Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming...

Active Directory, 3rd Edition
Active Directory, 3rd Edition

Working with Microsoft's network directory service for the first time can be a headache for system and network administrators, IT professionals, technical project managers, and programmers alike. This authoritative guide is meant to relieve that pain. Instead of going through the graphical user interface screen by screen,...

PC Magazine January 2006
PC Magazine January 2006
Articles in January 2006 issue of PC Magazine

    * US High Court Refuses to Review RIM Patent Ruling
      by Reuters  
    * DTV Alliance Takes Mobile TV To The Masses
      by Bary Alyssa Johnson
    * Government
Working with Microsoft ISA Server 2004
Working with Microsoft ISA Server 2004
ISA Server 2004 provides secure, fast, and controllable Internet connectivity. ISA Server 2004
provides various ISA Server services, such as Job Scheduler and Firewall, to implement security on
the network. ISA Server provides a service called the Web cache solution. The Web cache stores
the Web content, which a client requests from
Security Log Management: Identifying Patterns in the Chaos
Security Log Management: Identifying Patterns in the Chaos
Logs, logs, logs. Ever since I started taking my first steps in the world of security,
it has been clear that “the log” plays a crucial—and sometimes undervalued—
role in the security management of any IT infrastructure.This fact
alone explains the plethora of tools, applications, and solutions whose only
Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management
Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management
"This encyclopedia has a breadth and depth that makes it a valuable reference work for anyone." --Prof. Miles Nicholls, RMIT University, Australia

The Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management is the leading reference source for dynamic and innovative research in the field of
The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science
The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science
A groundbreaking, unifying theory of computer science for low-cost, high-quality software

The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science represents the culmination of more than thirty years of the author's hands-on experience in software development, which has resulted in a remarkable and sensible...

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