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Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (Smashing Magazine Book Series)


Smashing WordPress shows you how to utilize the power of the WordPress platform, and provides a creative spark to help you build WordPress-powered sites that go beyond the obvious. The second edition of Smashing WordPress has been updated for WordPress 3.1+, which includes internal, custom post types, the admin bar, and lots of other useful new features. You will learn the core concepts used to post types, the admin bar, and lots of other useful new features. You will learn the core concepts used to build just about anything in WordPress, resulting in fast deployments and greater design flexibility.

Inside, WordPress expert Thord Daniel Hedengren takes you beyond d the blog and shows you how WordPress can serve as a CMS, a photo gallery, and e-commerce site, and more. This edition includes new and upgraded examples of cool WordPress usage.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Build Beautiful WordPress Themes, including Child Themes
  • Create Custom Login Forms and Admin Themes
  • Use the Loop to Control Content
  • Build Plugins, including Widget Functionality
  • Use Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies
  • Use Post Formats
  • Integrate WordPress with the Social Web
  • Use Conditional Control Elements
  • Integrate Theme Options
  • Build Your WordPress Projects for SEO

Thord Daniel Hedengren is a professional web designer and developer who has created numerous WordPress themes, developed plugins, and put WordPress to good use powering both blogs and big editorial sites. He is the former editor of the Blog Herald, a popular website for bloggers and WordPress users.

Vistit www.wiley.com/go/smashingwordpress2e to download the code examples.

Smashing Magazine (smashingmgazine.com) is one of the world’s most popular Web-design online magazine. True to the Smashing Magazine book series delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers. 

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