Do you pull out your credit card when you know you shouldn’t? Do you watch others make a purchase and decide to make the same one, despite the fact that you have neither the money nor the need for it? Do you find yourself ignoring your bank statements because you’re afraid of what they might show?Many, if not most, Americans would answer “yes” to the above questions. The especially pernicious part is that those people might not be in dire trouble or insurmountable debt. Rather, they’re just everyday folks who carry loans, credit cards and mortgages that they’re not paying off.If you’re sheepishly raising your hand right now, don’t worry. There is a way out. In Stack Your Savings: How to Save More Money, Slash Your Spending and Master Your Finances, personal development leaders S.J. Scott and Rebecca Livermore combine their knowledge and experience to show you how.Inside this book, you’ll learn:** Why so many people carry so much debt** The reasons it’s so difficult to change your spending habits** The surprising secret to catapulting your savings strategy to never-before-seen heights** How just a little more cash each month can lead to drastic reductions in debt and increases in savings** The difference between pennies and dollars when it comes to your savings** The seven pillars of the money-saving habit that you absolutely must master** How to use goals and automation to increase your savings each month** The secret to structuring your savings intelligently … and seeing major long-term results** What to know about credit cards, credit scores, savings plans, educational savings and more** The roles of home ownership, insurance, meals and life expenses in your savings approach... and much, much more. Forget the feel-good fluff of lifestyle manuals or the stuffy number-crunching advice of other financial books. Stack Your Savings dispenses with both, subbing in tons of information and ideas to help you transform your bank accounts and your life.With the authority backed by countless bestselling books and their own self-made businesses, S.J. Scott and Rebecca Livermore painstakingly lay out a path to freedom from money management issues. Based on their deep knowledge of human habits and happiness, they’ve created a book that addresses the most common financial foibles and helps you climb out of debt for good.Stack Your Savings is more than an answer to money woes. It’s truly a guidebook to a better life, with tips that will resonate through your daily tasks and far into the future.