Explore the various enticing features of Unity and learn how to develop awesome games
About This Book
Create a wide variety of projects with Unity in multiple genres and formats
Complete art assets with clear step-by-step examples and instructions to complete all tasks using Unity, C#, and MonoDevelop
Develop advanced internal and external environments for games in 2D and 3D
Who This Book Is For
If you want to build enticing projects with Unity, this book is for you. Readers who are familiar with the basics of how to create simple projects in Unity will have an easier time.
What You Will Learn
Use Unity's new 2D tools to create a twin-stick shooter from scratch and learn what Unity has to offer
Explore both of the available GUI systems built into Unity (including the new one introduced in 4.6) to learn about their pros and cons while creating dynamic healthbars and building a menu system that can be used in all of your future projects
Create environments that are as realistic as possible, while maintaining peak performance and removing repetitiveness
Get tips and tricks on how to create environments using Terrain for outdoor areas and a modular workflow for interiors as well
Modify already existing code to fulfill your own game's unique mechanics
Craft AI that will move around the world and interact with players
Package your game for release, create an installer, and get your game out into the world
In Detail
Unity 3D is a powerful and popular game development tool that has taken game developers by storm. It is a cross-platform game engine, enabling you to write your game once and then port it to PCs, consoles, and even the Web, making it a great choice for both indie and AAA developers. Unity combines serious power with a friendly, easy-to-use interface.
Unity Game Development Blueprints takes you on an exciting journey where you'll learn how to use Unity to its best by building a project in 2D, then a 3D game with 2D gameplay, and finally a 3D title.
An easy-to-follow guide with each project containing step-by-step explanations, diagrams, screenshots, and downloadable materials. Concepts in Unity and C# are explained.