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Women Drug Traffickers: Mules, Bosses, and Organized Crime (Diálogos Series)


In the flow of drugs to the United States from Latin America, women have always played key roles as bosses, business partners, money launderers, confidantes, and couriers―work rarely acknowledged. Elaine Carey’s study of women in the drug trade offers a new understanding of this intriguing subject, from women drug smugglers in the early twentieth century to the cartel queens who make news today. Using international diplomatic documents, trial transcripts, medical and public welfare studies, correspondence between drug czars, and prison and hospital records, the author’s research shows that history can be as gripping as a thriller.

.NET IL Assembler
.NET IL Assembler

Advanced .NET IL Assembler is a comprehensive drill-down into the inner workings of the .NET Framework. Acknowledged runtime expert and Microsoft insider Serge Lidin steps through the internal structures and operations that take place when .NET code is executed, showing how the syntax and grammar of the coding language is broken down...

Platinum Edition Using XHTML, XML & Java 2 (Platinum Edition Using)
Platinum Edition Using XHTML, XML & Java 2 (Platinum Edition Using)
Platinum Edition Using XHTML, XML, and Java 2 shows how to combine these three powerful standards--and plenty of others--to deliver flexible Web content on a variety of platforms, including Java. This admirably comprehensive book covers virtually everything today's Web developer needs in order to deliver flexible content for a variety of...
Modern Receiver Front-Ends: Systems, Circuits, and Integration
Modern Receiver Front-Ends: Systems, Circuits, and Integration
A practical, hands-on guidebook to advanced receiver design
Radio-frequency integrated circuit (RF IC) design is one of the most important fields in modern technology, as advances in chip architecture are essential to delivering the full promise of broadband wireless communications. Modern Receiver Front-Ends outlines today's most

Perfect Pan Pizza: Square Pies to Make at Home, from Roman, Sicilian, and Detroit, to Grandma Pies and Focaccia [A Cookbook]
Perfect Pan Pizza: Square Pies to Make at Home, from Roman, Sicilian, and Detroit, to Grandma Pies and Focaccia [A Cookbook]
An in-depth guide to pan pizza from baking authority Peter Reinhart, including achievable recipes for making Detroit-, Sicilian-, and Roman-style pan pizzas and focaccias in a home oven.


This new book from bread legend
Web Design in a Nutshell
Web Design in a Nutshell

Web Design in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition contains the nitty-gritty on everything you need to know to design Web pages. It's an excellent reference for HTML 4.01 tags (including tables, frames, forms, color, and cascading style sheets) with special attention given to browser support, platform idiosyncrasies, and standards. You'll also...

ASP.NET 3.5: A Beginner's Guide
ASP.NET 3.5: A Beginner's Guide
What distinguishes the web hobbyist from the professional developer is the ability to store and retrieve data from a server over the Internet. Some readers may have made that step with PHP or Perl, and for them the journey has already begun. For others, ASP.NET 3.5 is just the next step in the growth and development of ASP.NET. For them, much will...
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