Aqa Business for Gcse: Applied Options
This book provides information, exercises and materials to cover the learning required for the new AQA GCSE Applied Business (Double Award).
The new GCSE qualification has several routes, but all begin with ‘Setting Up a Business’. This unit is an introduction to setting up and running a business and looks at the... |  |  Understand Body Language (Teach Yourself)
Now updated for the 21st century with the very latest on NLP and other cutting-edge research
Not restricted to the workplace, but covering every social and domestic situation, this guide offers readers the knowledge and understanding to be able to use and interpret body language ... |  |  Btec National for It Practitioners
Bursting with full-colour screenshots, photographs and illustrations, you will find it easy to locate all the information you need in this brand new book. With bite-sized chunks of information linked to the learning outcomes and activities to help generate the necessary evidence, you are clearly guided towards a pass, merit or distinction.... |