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Practical Load Balancing: Ride the Performance Tiger
Practical Load Balancing: Ride the Performance Tiger
The Internet, and in particular the World Wide Web, have effectively leveled the playing field for businesses and individuals around the world. Do you have a great idea for a web site or a service? Even the more advanced ideas can be relatively easily and cheaply realized without much in the way of initial outlay. You can get...
Programming Google App Engine
Programming Google App Engine
On the Internet, popularity is swift and fleeting. A mention of your website on a popular blog can bring 300,000 potential customers your way at once, all expecting to find out who you are and what you have to offer. But if you’re a small company just starting out, your hardware and software aren’t...
Programming Hive
Programming Hive
Programming Hive introduces Hive, an essential tool in the Hadoop ecosystem that provides an SQL (Structured Query Language) dialect for querying data stored in the Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS), other filesystems that integrate with Hadoop, such as MapR-FS and Amazon’s S3 and databases like HBase (the...
Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Center (Networking Technology)
Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Center (Networking Technology)

Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in the IT industry similar to the displacement of local electric generators with the electric grid, providing utility computing, and it is changing the nature of competition within the computer industry. There are over a hundred companies that claim they can provide cloud services....

Mobile Design for iPhone and iPad
Mobile Design for iPhone and iPad
Web designers know that their industry changes quickly. Continuous adaption and development of skills is necessary in order to always stay up to date. Over the past few years, mobile web usage has increased to a point that web designers can no longer afford to ignore it. As a result, web designers have a growing need to be...
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement
It has been said that data is the new oil. If this is so, then databases are the fields, the refineries, the drills, and the pumps. Data is stored in databases, and if you’re interested in tapping into it, then coming to grips with the modern equipment is a great start.

Databases are
Android Database Programming
Android Database Programming
Today, we live in an increasingly data-centric and data-driven world. We live in a world where companies like Amazon track every item we view and every item we purchase so as to recommend similar products to us. We live in a world where companies like Google store every search query thrown at them so as to recommend better search queries in...
Taking Your Android Tablets to the Max
Taking Your Android Tablets to the Max
Silently, and without warning, the Android operating system has quickly dominated the mobile ecosystem. This operating system exists in many forms, across many devices, and offers a rich selection of powerful features that could completely change how you accomplish tasks throughout your day. If you’re looking for a tablet or...
Professional jQuery (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Professional jQuery (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS JAVASCRIPT has undergone a remarkable transformation. Where once it was a “toy” language relegated to secondary status it’s now one of the most important programming languages in the world. With the ongoing importance of Ajax-based development and the rise of full-featured JavaScript...
OpenNebula 3 Cloud Computing
OpenNebula 3 Cloud Computing

OpenNebula is one of the most advanced and highly-scalable open source cloud computing toolkits. If you ever wanted to understand what Cloud Computing is and how to realize it, or if you need a handy way to manage your messy infrastructure in a simple and coherent manner, this is your way.

OpenNebula 3 Cloud Computing guides you...

Beginning Android 4 (Beginning Apress)
Beginning Android 4 (Beginning Apress)

Android is everywhere. Phones. Tablets. TVs and set-top boxes powered by Google TV. Soon, Android will be in cars, in in-flight entertainment systems on planes, and even in


However, the general theme of Android devices will be smaller screens and/or no hardware keyboard. And, by the numbers, Android
Recommender Systems Handbook
Recommender Systems Handbook

The explosive growth of e-commerce and online environments has made the issue of information search and selection increasingly serious; users are overloaded by options to consider and they may not have the time or knowledge to personally evaluate these options. Recommender systems have proven to be a valuable way for online users to cope with...

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