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Getting Started with Flurry Analytics
Getting Started with Flurry Analytics

In today's mobile app market you need to track your applications and analyze user data to give yourself the competitive edge. Flurry Analytics will do all that and more, and this book is the perfect developer's guide.


  • Analyze collective data using Flurry analytics to improve monetization...
Investing Online For Dummies
Investing Online For Dummies

Expert online investing advice that you can take to the bank! Want to take firm control of your investments and reach your financial goals, but baffled by the dizzying array of online tools? Start with this bestselling guide. Investing Online For Dummies, 8th Edition will help you build your portfolio with the latest financial management...

Swift Essentials
Swift Essentials

Get up and running lightning fast with this practical guide to building applications with Swift

About This Book

  • Rapidly learn how to program Apple's newest programming language, Swift, from the basics through to working applications
  • Create graphical iOS applications using Xcode and...
Appcelerator Titanium Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide
Appcelerator Titanium Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide

Once you've got into Appcelerator Titanium you'll never look back. This book is the perfect introduction to developing native cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, and Windows 8.


  • Covers iOS, Android, and Windows8.
  • Includes Alloy, the latest in Titanium design.
  • ...
The GNU Make Book
The GNU Make Book

GNU make is the most widely used build automation tool, but it can be challenging to master and its terse language can be tough to parse for even experienced programmers. Those who run into difficulties face a long, involved struggle, often leaving unsolved problems behind and GNU make's vast potential untapped.


Learning Bing Maps API
Learning Bing Maps API

Bing Maps are a great resource and very versatile when you know how. And this book will show you how, covering everything from embedding on a web page to customizing with your own styles and geo-data.


  • Display address information for any point on the map through the location-based REST services...
Developing RESTful Services with JAX-RS 2.0, WebSockets, and JSON
Developing RESTful Services with JAX-RS 2.0, WebSockets, and JSON

Improving your productivity by making the most of Java EE 7's capabilities is made easy and practical with this book. It's the perfect guide to developing RESTful Services utilizing powerful new technologies.


  • Learning about different client/server communication models including but not...
Learning Google Apps Script
Learning Google Apps Script

Key Features

  • Gain insight into customizing and automating Google applications with JavaScript
  • Create add-ons for Google Sheets, Docs, or Forms; automate your workflow; integrate with external APIs; and more.
  • A step-by-step guide to building real-world solutions


Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook
Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook

This book will help you use the amazing resource that is Google Maps to your own ends. From showing maps on mobiles to creating GIS applications, this lively, recipe-packed guide is all you need.


  • Add to your website's functionality by utilizing Google Maps' power
  • Full of...
Ruby Under a Microscope: An Illustrated Guide to Ruby Internals
Ruby Under a Microscope: An Illustrated Guide to Ruby Internals

Ruby is a powerful programming language with a focus on simplicity, but beneath its elegant syntax it performs countless unseen tasks.

Ruby Under a Microscope gives you a hands-on look at Ruby's core, using extensive diagrams and thorough explanations to show you how Ruby is implemented (no C skills

Beginning Amazon Web Services with Node.js
Beginning Amazon Web Services with Node.js

Beginning Amazon Web Services with Node.js teaches any novice Node.js developer to configure, deploy, and maintain scalable small to large scale Node.js applications in Amazon Web Services. Hosting a Node.js application in a production environment usually means turning to PaaS hosting, but this approach brings problems. Deploying...

Alfresco CMIS
Alfresco CMIS

Everything you need to know to start coding integrations with a content management server such as Alfresco in a standard way

About This Book

  • Understand what is unique about Alfresco's CMIS implementation and put your learning into practice
  • Talk to content management servers in a...
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