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Python Data Analytics: With Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib
Python Data Analytics: With Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib
Explore the latest Python tools and techniques to help you tackle the world of data acquisition and analysis. You'll review scientific computing with NumPy, visualization with matplotlib, and machine learning with scikit-learn. 

This revision is fully updated with new content on social media data analysis, image
Pro Project Management with SharePoint 2010
Pro Project Management with SharePoint 2010

Many successful project managers are beginning to utilize Microsoft SharePoint to drive their projects and operational initiatives. SharePoint Server provides teams with a centralized location for project information and facilitates collaboration between project team members. The intention of this book is to provide a hands-on case study that...

TYPO3 Extension Development: Developer's guide to creating feature rich extensions using the TYPO3 API
TYPO3 Extension Development: Developer's guide to creating feature rich extensions using the TYPO3 API

TYPO3 is the enterprise-level content management system for the Web. It is large, feature-rich and very flexible--a lot of this flexibility comes through extensions written by the community. Extensions make it possible to use TYPO3 to drive any type of website, including e-commerce, blogs, social networks, catalogs, and many more. TYPO3 can...

Pro VB 2010 and the .NET 4.0 Platform
Pro VB 2010 and the .NET 4.0 Platform

Be the first to understand .NET 4.0 and Visual Basic 2010. Pro VB 2010 and the .NET 4.0 Platform provides developers with a complete guide to the new technology, explaining the importance of all the key VB 2010 language features. This new edition has been comprehensively revised and rewritten to make it accurately reflect the VB 10...

Windows Communication Foundation 3.5 Unleashed (2nd Edition)
Windows Communication Foundation 3.5 Unleashed (2nd Edition)

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is Microsoft’s dynamic technology for allowing autonomous software to communicate. Superseding earlier technologies such as COM/DCOM, .NET Remoting, ASP.NET Web Services, and the Web Services Enhancements for .NET, WCF provides a single solution that is designed to always be...

Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time!
Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time!

Lisp has been hailed as the world's most powerful programming language, but its cryptic syntax and academic reputation can be enough to scare off even experienced programmers. Those dark days are finally over—Land of Lisp brings the power of functional programming to the people!

With his brilliantly...

Pro Internet Explorer 8 & 9 Development: Developing Powerful Applications for The Next Generation of IE
Pro Internet Explorer 8 & 9 Development: Developing Powerful Applications for The Next Generation of IE

This book is an in-depth guide to writing applications that embrace and extend the new features and capabilities of Windows Internet Explorer 8 and 9. With solid instruction, hands-on examples, and expert insight direct from the source into extending the browser, you’ll learn how to create and maintain powerful applications for...

iPad Programming
iPad Programming

Hold an iPad in your hands and you'll know what the fuss is all about. Select an app and the device disappears as you find yourself immersed in the experience--the iPad defines a new category for devices. iPad Programming shows you how to build apps for the iPad that people will love to use.


Microsoft SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services Unleashed
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services Unleashed

This is a comprehensive, expert guide to all facets of planning, deploying, managing, and utilizing the brand-new SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services. Authored by business and technical experts and a key member of the Microsoft PerformancePoint Services development team, this book demonstrates exactly how to apply...

WiX: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML
WiX: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML

A practical guide, this book provides step-by-step instructions for building your installer, showcasing real-world examples throughout. Its purpose is to get the professional developer building installers in no time without getting bogged down in theory. Numerous references to additional resources are provided so that curious readers can...

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Programming Cookbook
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Programming Cookbook

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 is a business management solution that helps simplify and streamline highly specialized business processes such as finance, manufacturing, customer relationship management, supply chains, analytics, and electronic commerce for small and medium-sized enterprises. ERP systems like NAV thus become the center of a...

The Theory of Computation
The Theory of Computation

This is the best text on complexity theory I have seen, and could easily become the standard text on the subject...This is the first modern text on the theory of computing. ---William Ward Jr, Ph.D, University of South Alabama

Taking a practical approach, this modern introduction to the theory of computation focuses on the study of...

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