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Houches Lectures: 1972, Black Holes (Les Houches Lectures : 1972 Lectures)
Houches Lectures: 1972, Black Holes (Les Houches Lectures : 1972 Lectures)
The story of the phenomenal transformation of general relativity within little more than a decade, from a quiet backwater of research, harboring a handful of theorists, to a booming outpost attracting increasing numbers of highly talented young people as well as heavy investment in experiments, is by now familiar. The amazing thing about this...
Art of Computer Programming/Sorting and Searching (Computer Science and Information Processing)
Art of Computer Programming/Sorting and Searching (Computer Science and Information Processing)

For the first time in more than 20 years, Knuth has revised all three books to reflect more recent developments in the field. His revisions focus specifically on those areas where knowledge has converged since publication of the last editions, on problems that have been solved, on problems that have changed. In
The Next Million Years.
The Next Million Years.
WHEN anyone starts to write on a subject, at which he has not hitherto worked professionally, his proper procedure should be to set out on a long course of reading, with careful preparatory annotations of all he has read. Such a course on a tremendous subject like the present one might easily take ten years. At the time when I determined to write...
Gravitation (Physics Series)
Gravitation (Physics Series)
This is a textbook on gravitation physics (Einstein's "general relativity" or "geometrodynamics"). It supplies two tracks through the subject. The first track is focused on the key physical ideas. It assumes, as mathematical prerequisite, only vector analysis and simple partial-differential equations. It is suitable for a...
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