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Agent-Oriented Information Systems: 5th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2003, Melbourne, Australia

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 5th International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems, held in Melbourne, Australia in July 2003 at AAMAS 2003 and in Chicago, IL, USA in October 2003 at ER 2003.

The revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement from a total of 36 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on information systems and applications; methodologies; and modeling, analysis, and simulation.

This proceedings volume of the 5th AOIS Workshop is an opportunity for looking back at five years of organizing AOIS workshops. What did we achieve with the AOIS workshop series? Where were we five years ago, where are we now? Did our theme impact on the information systems field in the way that we had hoped for?

AOIS workshops have taken place in Seattle, Heidelberg, Stockholm, Austin, Montréal, Interlaken, Toronto, Bologna, Melbourne, and Chicago, always in conjunction with a major conference on either multiagent systems in artificial intelligence (AI/MAS) or information systems (IS). We have tried to innovate in holding these workshops as biconference events (each year AOIS held two workshop events, one at an AI/MAS conference and one at an IS conference), as well as using the AOIS web site as a medium for communication among researchers. So, certainly, we have reached a wide audience of researchers around the world from both the AI/MAS and IS communities. But did we also manage to build up a dedicated AOIS community?

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