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An Axiomatic Study of God: A Defence of the Rationality of Religion (Philosophical Analysis)

Weingartner shows that an essential part of natural or philosophical theology and even a part of theology can be treated axiomatically. God’s essence, omniscience, omnipotence, creating activity, and all-goodness are described by axioms and by theorems proved from them.

The purpose of thi s book i s to show that a consi derable part of what i s called Natural T heology or Philosop hical T heology can be bui lt up as an ax i omati c system (ASG). In parti cular, i t i s shown that God’s attri butes (ch.1), omni sci ence (ch.2), omni potence (ch.3), benevolence (all- goodness, ch.5), and God as creator (ch.4) can be characteri zed by ax i oms and by theorems as consequences of the ax i oms. Further ax i oms say that God can do thi ngs that he does not do nor wi lls to do, and that God i s a necessary cause and precondi ti on for everythi ng that happens i n creati on (i n the uni verse) but not a su?ci ent one for everythi ng (li ke moral evi l). Moreover, ax i oms say that God’s wi ll and love select (he does not wi ll nor love every good) and that hi s goodness i mpli es hi s justi ce, hi s mercy, and hi s love. Chapter 6 conti nues thi s study wi th Jesus Chri st, the Savi our. Thi s chapter treats ax i omati cally a part of T heology and thus goes beyond Natural T heology. Chapter 7 o?ers a proof of consi stency for a consi derable and i mportant part of the ax i omati c system ASG by constructi ng a model i n whi ch the most i mportant ax i oms and theorems are sati sfi ed.
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Microsoft Windows Command-Line Administrator's Pocket Consultant
Microsoft Windows Command-Line Administrator's Pocket Consultant

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