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Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods


Architectural Drawing is the classic, comprehensive compendium of architectural drawing. Featuring examples from many high-profile architects and firms, the nearly one-thousand drawings and photos in this book illustrate all of the various types and methods of architectural drawing. The new Fourth Edition is fully updated throughout to cover all of the latest drawing methods and includes a new chapter on the convergence of digital and traditional drawing. Online instructor ancillaries will be offered.

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall
Sims believes that ethics in business can be restored by establishing a culture of doing the right thing, creating a climate for whistle-blowing, providing a forum for dialogue and good moral conversation, getting leadership commitment, recognizing unethical behavior, and institutionalizing good ethical behavior....Sims's book is well referenced...
The Everyday Entrepreneur
The Everyday Entrepreneur

A primer for pursuing entrepreneurial ambitions and achieving success

Filled with strategies and powerful anecdotes about defining and setting goals and pushing for entrepreneurial success, The Everyday Entrepreneur reveals how readers can apply the ambitions of a go-getter in their own lives, position themselves...

Learning Together Online: Research on Asynchronous Learning Networks
Learning Together Online: Research on Asynchronous Learning Networks
This book is about the past and future of research on the effectiveness of learning networks, a type of e-learning, online learning, Web-based learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, or virtual classroom (to use a number of common terms) in which students and teachers learn together online. The formal term is ...

Essentials of Strategic Management
Essentials of Strategic Management

ESSENTIALS OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 2E, is a brief version of the authors' market-leading text STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH, 8E, helping students identify and focus on core concepts in the field in a more succinct, streamlined format. Based on real-world practices and current thinking, the text's presentation of...

Innovation and Technology - Strategies and Policies
Innovation and Technology - Strategies and Policies
Innovation and Technology -- Strategies and Policies contains a selection of outstanding contributions by world experts on how a culture of innovation is able to produce a response to fast global changes affecting society. The book describes major evolutionary directions and foreseen trends in: environment versus industry; technology...
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt (Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras)
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt (Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras)
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt was the first volume in the Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras series, and now it is the first to be expanded and updated. This is quite fitting because while the Egyptian civilization is not the oldest, it is certainly the grandest. It stands out for the vast area it covered,...
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