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Broadband Bible, Desktop Edition


It’s better with broadband, and you can do it...

Whether you need Internet access to work from home, operate a home-based business, run a small business, or simply enjoy all the wonders of the Web, broadband is better. This guide makes it easy to choose among the many broadband options, get connected, set up a wired or wireless network, understand servers and TCP/IP, establish security, and take advantage of everything broadband has to offer.

Inside, you’ll find what you need to know about broadband

  • Learn the pros and cons of each type of broadband service
  • Recognize the specific issues affecting multi-tenant buildings
  • Find out what you need to set up a network and where to get it
  • Learn how security breaches happen, how to protect against them, and how to secure a wireless network
  • Understand server and storage options and what you need to know about routers
  • Troubleshoot network problems and deal successfully with service providers
  • Experience streaming audio and video, video instant messaging, the world of broadband gaming, and more

About the Author
In 1985, James E. Gaskin decided he’d rather sell computers and networks than try to buy them for his father’s company. So he started selling and installing Novell networks to small- and medium-sized businesses in the Dallas area. By 1988, James was on his own as an independent networking consultant to such clients as the Internal Revenue Service, First Gibraltar Bank, and Solomon Associates.
In 1989, James started contributing to Unix Today! magazine, and he continues to cover technology for major technology publications (such as Network World) today. His first book, Integrating Unix and NetWare Networks, was published by Novell Press in 1993, and he has continued writing books, articles, and jokes about technology and real life ever since.

His 14 (now 15) books include a best-selling series of five NetWare books for Sybex, and others on Internet technology, technology business management, and humor. James presented a series of NetWare and Internet technology tutorials for Networld+InterOp from 1994 through 1997. Media appearances include technology expert commentary for KRLD News Radio, Dallas, TX, and WGBH 89.7, National Public Radio, Boston.

An objective voice for the technology consumer, James writes a weekly column called Small Business Technology for Network World. He also presents topics such as The Hilarious Pain of Data Security to groups under the umbrella of GaskinGuides to Technology. Although unaffiliated with any vendor, James is biased toward cost-effective and intelligent technology products for small- and medium-sized businesses.

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