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Core JSTL: Mastering the JSP™ Standard Tag Library


Using JSTL, software developers and Web page authors can create robust, flexible Web applications more quickly and easily than ever before. Now, best-selling author and JSTL expert David Geary presents the definitive guide to JSTL: its built-in tags, powerful expression language, and extensibility. Through practical examples and extensive sample code, Geary demonstrates how JSTL simplifies, streamlines, and standardizes a wide range of common Web development tasks and helps you build Web applications far more easily than JavaServer Pages technology alone.

Key topics covered:

  • Building HTML forms; accessing form data, JavaBeans components (beans), collections, and maps; constructing URLs and importing their content; redirecting HTTP responses; iterating over collections of objects; handling errors

  • Localizing Web sites for multiple languages and countries, including localizing text and formatting and parsing numbers, currencies, percents, and dates.

  • Creating and accessing data sources, making queries and iterating over the results; performing database inserts, updates, and deletes; executing database transactions

  • Parsing XML documents; using XPath with JSTL custom actions; transforming XML with XSLT, filtering XML; accessing external entities

ASP.NET Core 2 Fundamentals: Build cross-platform apps and dynamic web services with this server-side web application framework
ASP.NET Core 2 Fundamentals: Build cross-platform apps and dynamic web services with this server-side web application framework

Imagine the boost in business if you can build large, rich web applications with little code and built-in Windows authentication. With this book, you can gain skills to develop real-world applications with ASP.NET Core 2.

Key Features

  • Adopts the application-centric approach to explain core...
Wicked Cool Java : Code Bits, Open-Source Libraries, and Project Ideas
Wicked Cool Java : Code Bits, Open-Source Libraries, and Project Ideas
Wicked Cool Java contains 101 fun, interesting, and useful ways to get more out of Java. This isn't intended as a Java tutorial--it's targeted at developers and system architects who have some basic Java knowledge but may not be familiar with the wide range of libraries available. Full of example code and ideas for combining them in useful...
Beginning Perl, 3rd Edition
Beginning Perl, 3rd Edition

Perl was originally written by Larry Wall while he was working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs. Larry is an Internet legend, known not just for Perl, but as the author of the UNIX utilities rn, one of the original Usenet newsreaders, and patch, a tremendously useful tool that takes a list of differences between two files and allows you to...

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A top tech blogger takes you behind the scenes for an in-depth look at the iPhone

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