This book introduces you to the world of data science. It reveals the proper way to do data science. It covers essential statistical and programming techniques to help you understand data science from a broad perspective. Not only that, but it provides a theoretical, technical, and mathematical foundation for problem-solving using data science techniques.
This chapter covers the parametric method , also called the linear method . Understanding how to test a regressor under the violation of regression assumptions will enable you to tackle problems in subsequent chapters with ease. While reading, it is important to remember that the example data has one dependent variable. This chapter does not cover multicollinearity with a variance inflation factor (VIF). |
 Distibuted Systems: Design and Algorithms
In today’s digital environment, distributed systems are increasingly present in a wide variety of environments, ranging from public software applications to critical systems.
Distributed Systems introduces the underlying concepts, the associated design techniques and the related security issues.
Distributed Systems:... |  |  |  |  Carbon Allotropes: Metal-Complex Chemistry, Properties and Applications
This book provides a detailed description of metal-complex functionalized carbon allotrope forms, including classic (such as graphite), rare (such as M- or T-carbon), and nanoforms (such as carbon nanotubes, nanodiamonds, etc.). Filling a void in the nanotechnology literature, the book presents chapters generalizing the synthesis,... |
 |  |  Professional BlackBerryProfessional BlackBerry
Enabling users to stay connected with wireless access to calendars, corporate data, real-time e-mail, and a phone, BlackBerry devices have experienced an explosion in popularity. Many would argue that they have become a business necessity. In the first book to deal with the support and development of BlackBerry devices,... |  |  Advanced Modern Algebra
This book's organizing principle is the interplay between groups and rings, where “rings” includes the ideas of modules. It contains basic definitions, complete and clear theorems (the first with brief sketches of proofs), and gives attention to the topics of algebraic geometry, computers, homology, and... |