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Deep-Sky Wonders

Deep-Sky Wonders, 9780933346932 (093334693X), Sky Pub Corp, 1998
Highlights from Sky & Telescope's Deep-Sky Wonders column display the independence of thought and devotion to craft that made writer "Scotty" Houston a favorite among readers for almost 50 years. Sky & Telescope magazine contributing editor Stephen James O'Meara has selected and arranged the best of Scotty's work into a year-round guide to the star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies that lure skygazers into their backyards on clear, dark nights. Scotty intersperses his engaging commentary with expert advice on becoming a more capable observer.
Beginning Xcode (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Xcode (Programmer to Programmer)
Bringing together the ease of use of Mac OS X, the power of Unix, and a mix of high-performance development technologies, Xcode is Apple's hottest new integrated development environment. This book shows you why Xcode is the fastest and easiest way for developers to create Mac OS X applications.

Covering the basic fundamentals...

Software Development on a Leash (Expert's Voice)
Software Development on a Leash (Expert's Voice)

Software Development on a Leash is designed as a roadmap for experienced developers and architects who are interested in implementing a turbocharged software development process that encourages reuse and innovation. Author David Birmingham's products have been successfully deployed in a variety of venues, including...

The Unknown Component Problem: Theory and Applications
The Unknown Component Problem: Theory and Applications

The Problem of the Unknown Component: Theory and Applications addresses the issue of designing a component that, combined with a known part of a system, conforms to an overall specification. The authors tackle this problem by solving abstract equations over a language. The most general solutions are studied when both synchronous and...

BTEC National Engineering
BTEC National Engineering

Health and safety is of prime importance to all people working in manufacturing or engineering workplaces. Engineering can be, potentially, one of the most dangerous occupations workers can undertake because of the nature of the machinery, equipment, tools and techniques used. All workers should be protected from danger and risks to their...

Spasmodic Torticollis Handbook: A Guide to Treatment and Rehabilitation
Spasmodic Torticollis Handbook: A Guide to Treatment and Rehabilitation

Spasmodic torticollis, also known as cervical dystonia, affects about three people in 10,000, or an estimated 85,000 individuals in the United States alone. Despite this, there has been until now a lack of information outside of the professional medical literature for use by individuals with this disorder and their families. This book...

Mobile Radio Networks: Networking and Protocols
Mobile Radio Networks: Networking and Protocols
The continuing growth of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) based mobile telephones has brought with it increasingly rapid growth in interest in mobile communications interconnect problems and standards. For the rapid proliferation of mobile communications to be sustained without overloading the system, harmonization of the networks...
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