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Der Künstlermanagementvertrag: Erscheinungsbild, Vertragstypologie und rechtliche Untersuchung des Vertragsverhältnisses zwischen Künstler und Manager im Bereich der Musik (German Edition)


Das Buch befasst sich mit der Vertragspraxis und den Rechtsfragen des Künstlermanagementvertrages im Musikbereich. Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils ist eine umfassende Vertragsanalyse der typischen Regelungen und Pflichtenprogramme zwischen Künstlern und Managern anhand von Praxis- und Musterverträgen. Im zweiten Teil wird die Rechtsnatur typischer Künstlermanagementverträge bestimmt und der Vertrag im System der Schuldverträge verortet. Anschließend werden im dritten Teil die wesentlichen Rechtsprobleme bei der Begründung, Durchführung und Beendigung von Künstlermanagementverträgen untersucht.​

Food Allergy: Adverse Reaction to Foods and Food Additives
Food Allergy: Adverse Reaction to Foods and Food Additives

Edited by world-renowned experts in the field, Food Allergy covers pediatric and adult adverse reactions to foods and food additives in one comprehensive volume. Designed to be a practical, readable reference for use in the hospital or private practice setting, the text is organized into five sections covering basic and clinical...

Professional Visual Studio 2017
Professional Visual Studio 2017

Skip the basics and delve right into Visual Studio 2017 advanced features and tools

Professional Visual Studio 2017 is the industry-favorite guide to getting the most out of Microsoft's primary programming technology. From touring the new UI to exploiting advanced functionality, this book is designed to help...

Solid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, Vol. 34
Solid State Physics: Advances in Research and Applications, Vol. 34
The characteristics and theory of the thermal conductivity of solids was reviewed comprehensively in Volume 7 of this serial publication by Klemens. In a later article, appearing in Volume 12, Mendelssohn and Rosenberg surveyed the theory of and experience with low-temperature thermal conductivity of metals. The review by Slack in this volume...

Brand Driven Innovation: Strategies for Development and Design (Required Reading Range)
Brand Driven Innovation: Strategies for Development and Design (Required Reading Range)

Branding is not merely advertising. On the contrary, in Brand Driven Innovation, branding is considered to provide a driving vision for sustainable growth for organisations. Nor is innovation seen as merely technological and ground-breaking; instead, it’s considered to be any...

Communicating with XML
Communicating with XML
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is the lingua franca in contemporary networked environments. It is intended to support communication between software modules, particularly on the Web, as well as communication between people involved in developing new XML-based solutions. Developing the new solutions for a specifi c domain or...
Practical Java Game Programming
Practical Java Game Programming

Java is gaining more and more acceptance in the game development community, and with good commercial-quality Java games on the market, it will become a definitive choice. Practical Java Game Programming identifies the technological path developers need to take to make this happen. It explores and illustrates cutting-edge Java game...

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