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Design Recipes for FPGAs

Design Recipes for FPGAs, 9780750668453 (0750668458), Newnes, 2007
This book provides a rich toolbox of design techniques and templates to solve practical, every-day problems using FPGAs. Using a modular structure, the book gives easy-to-find design techniques and templates at all levels, together with functional code, which engineers can easily match and apply to their application.

The easy-to-find structure begins with a design application to demonstrate the key building blocks of FPGA design and how to connect them, enabling the experienced FPGA designer to quickly select the right design for their application, while providing the less experienced a road map to solving their specific design problem.

Written in an informal and easy-to-grasp style, this invaluable resource goes beyond the principles of FPGA s and hardware description languages to actually demonstrate how specific designs can be synthesized, simulated and downloaded onto an FPGA. In addition, the book provides advanced techniques to create real world designs that fit the device required and which are fast and reliable to implement. An accompanying CDROM contains code, test benches and simulation command files for ModelSim.

This book will be an indispensable, well-thumbed resource for FPGA designers of all levels of experience.

* A rich toolbox of practical FGPA design techniques at an engineer's finger tips

* Easy-to-find structure that allows the engineer to quickly locate the information to solve their FGPA design problem, and obtain the level of detail and understanding needed

* Includes a CDROM containing code, test benches and simulation files for ModelSim
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