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Designing Inclusive Interactions: Inclusive Interactions Between People and Products in Their Contexts of Use


Designing Inclusive Interactions contains the proceedings of the fifth Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT), incorporating the 8th Cambridge Workshop on Rehabilitation Robotics, held in Cambridge, England, in March 2010. It contains contributions from an international group of leading researchers in the fields of Universal Access and Assistive Technology.

Although the book will be divided into four main parts yet to be named, this conference will mainly focus on the following principal topics:

1. Designing assistive and rehabilitation technology for working and daily living environments

2. Measuring inclusion for the design of products for work and daily living

3. Inclusive interaction design and new technologies for inclusive design

4. Assembling new user data for inclusive design

5. The design of accessible and inclusive contexts: work and daily living environments

6. Business advantages and applications of inclusive design

7. Legislation, standards and government awareness of inclusive design

Reflecting the spirit of recent moves to extend rights to equitable participation in society for all, this series of workshops and accompanying books is aimed at a broad range of interests, with a general focus on the development of products and solutions. Numerous case studies and examples of good practice are used to raise awareness of the challenges faced in developing truly inclusive products.

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