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The Global War for Internet Governance

The Internet has transformed the manner in which information is exchanged and business is conducted, arguably more than any other communication development in the past century. Despite its wide reach and powerful global influence, it is a medium uncontrolled by any one centralized system, organization, or governing body, a reality that has given rise to all manner of free-speech issues and cybersecurity concerns. The conflicts surrounding Internet governance are the new spaces where political and economic power is unfolding in the twenty-first century.
This all-important study by Laura DeNardis reveals the inner power structure already in place within the architectures and institutions of Internet governance. It provides a theoretical framework for Internet governance that takes into account the privatization of global power as well as the role of sovereign nations and international treaties. In addition, DeNardis explores what is at stake in open global controversies and stresses the responsibility of the public to actively engage in these debates, because Internet governance will ultimately determine Internet freedom.
Oxygen Sensing: Molecule to Man (Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology (Springer))
Oxygen Sensing: Molecule to Man (Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology (Springer))

Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on Arterial Chemoreception, held June 24-28, 1999, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

This volume, containing the proceedings of the fourteenth biannual ISAC meeting presents a new departure from their traditional focus on arterial chemoreceptors and their functions, in the expansion to...

PostgreSQL Query Optimization: The Ultimate Guide to Building Efficient Queries
PostgreSQL Query Optimization: The Ultimate Guide to Building Efficient Queries

ost of the time, a book about optimization is viewed as a book for DBAs. Since our goal is to prove that optimization is more than just building indexes, we hope that this book will be beneficial for a broader audience.

This book is for IT professionals working in PostgreSQL who want to develop performant and scalable

Event-Driven Programming
Event-Driven Programming
The previous unit, Unit 6, has shown you how to create graphical user interfaces that contain a wide range of components and have quite sophisticated layouts. You are also in a position now to make use of Java reference material to investigate and use other components and layouts. However, when the user clicks on a button or enters text, nothing...

Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Clustering: Applications in Data Mining and Bioinformatics
Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Clustering: Applications in Data Mining and Bioinformatics

Clustering is an important unsupervised classification technique where a set of patterns, usually vectors in multidimensional space, are grouped into clusters based on some similarity or dissimilarity criteria. In crisp clustering, each pattern is assigned to exactly one cluster, whereas in fuzzy clustering, each pattern is given a...

Information Systems: Achieving Success by Avoiding Failure
Information Systems: Achieving Success by Avoiding Failure
Despite people’s best efforts information systems are particularly prone to failure. Some systems never materialize, others appear late and/or over budget and those that are implemented often fail to deliver the promised levels of performance. The consequences of these failures affect people throughout the organization concerned and beyond,...
Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager
Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager
Managing Humans is a selection of the best essays from Michael Lopp's web site, Rands In Repose. Drawing on Lopp's management experiences at Apple, Netscape, Symantec, and Borland, this book is full of stories based on companies in the Silicon Valley where people have been known to yell at each other. It is a place full...
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