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Developing USB PC Peripherals Using Intel 8X930AX USB Microcontroller

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is one of the most important developments in PC peripheral interconnect technology since the introduction of serial and parallel ports in the early 1980's. It is fast becoming the port of choice for many new digital video conferencing cameras, scanners, monitors, PC telephony equipment, and Human Interface Devices such as keyboards, games, and pointing devices. The benefits of USB, such as ease of use, true plug and play, high performance, and reduced overall system cost, are just a few of the reasons this technology has gone from specification to product deployment in less than two years. Wooi Ming Tan has provided in this book a very timely introduction to the concepts of USB as well as a very practical guide on how to design USB peripheral products. With his early involvement in USB at Intel Corporation, he has faced many of the design issues that engineers will likely encounter as they begin produ! ct development. The book also provides a useful overview for those just interested in gaining a more thorough understanding of USB, such as project management, sales, and marketing personnel involved in serial bus interconnect. I am very pleased to see this book providing an easy step-by-step methodology to allow more USB products to quickly come to market while following a thorough design practice. Wooi Ming Tan's experience in USB and microcontroller technology certainly comes across in the book, allowing the reader to save many hours in USB peripheral design. 

About the Author

Wooi Ming is a Senior Technical Marketing Engineer for Intel USB Microcontrollers. He focuses on USB, microcontroller architecture, firmware development, and the utilization of microcontrollers in various USB application. He has been involved in the USB world since the early days of USB development. Wooi Ming also provides technical consultations to various major OEMs and has helped them to develop and demonstrate their USB products in several international tradeshows. Wooi Ming has a Master of Engineering Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the National University of Singapore and a Bachelor Degree in Engineering from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His Master’s research was on the behavior of the third generation digital cordless protocols in fading channels. He has programmed in C, C++, and various microcontroller assembly languages, using the IBM PC/DOS, Windows operating system, VAX/VMS, and UNIX environments. He has experienc! e with data networks and VAX/VMS systems planning and management, and in the manufacturing of wireless communications systems.

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