Excel is an extremely powerful tool that is made to handle many varieties of data. Regardless of the job you do, chances are you have had to use Excel at some time in your career, or you will. Regardless of your reason for using Excel, many users never realize the full potential of the software, relegating Excel to not much more than a list of information or single forms to print later; however, Excel can be so much more.
Within the world of finance, Excel can truly shine and as a user, you only need to combine functions in a manner to allow you to simplify data, visually impress, analyze, forecast, and make your data work for you. Why print a sheet and manually calculate information when in the time, it takes you to organize and print, you can graph a financial model, gather user information, or forecast future earnings and investment potential? It's time to allow Excel to assist in working smarter and not harder.
This book will provide you the recipes to do just that. You will harness the existing functions in Excel, and will learn to create a few new ones. The recipes in this book will provide you the Excel tools to truly master the financial tasks.