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Expert Oracle Practices: Oracle Database Administration from the Oak Table


This book is an anthology of effective database management techniques representing the collective wisdom of the OakTable Network. With an emphasis upon performance—but also branching into security, national language, and other issues—the book helps you deliver the most value for your company’s investment in Oracle Database technologies. You’ll learn to effectively plan for and monitor performance, to troubleshoot systematically when things go wrong, and to manage your database rather than letting it manage you.

  • Rigorous and peer-reviewed content from the OakTable Network of Oracle scientists
  • Strong emphasis upon managing for high performance
  • Lays a strong foundation for advancing in the DBA profession

What you’ll learn

  • Eliminate guesswork by attacking database problems in a systematic manner.
  • Manage transactional performance in SQL and PL/SQL.
  • Secure your database from outside attack.
  • Effectively deal with operating system platforms such as Windows and Linux.
  • Diagnose database crashes.
  • Choose the right block size to optimize I/O throughput.

Who is this book for?

This book is aimed at Oracle database administrators who want to further their careers by implementing sound and proven database administration practices—and especially repeatable and predictable practices—in their daily work.

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