A short and quick guide to mastering behavior-driven software development with Cucumber
Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results.
A step-by-step process of developing a real project in a BDD-style using Cucumber
Pro tips for writing Cucumber features and steps
Introduces some popular and useful third-party gems used with Cucumber
In Detail
Cucumber is a Behavior Driven Design framework, which allows a developer to write specification tests which then tests that the program works as it should. It is a different development paradigm, as it involves writing what the program should do first, then you develop until it passes the tests.
Instant Cucumber BDD How-to will cover basics of Cucumber in a Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) style and explain the essence of Cucumber, describe how to write Cucumber features to drive development in a real project, and also describe many pro tips for writing good Cucumber features and steps. Cucumber is a very fun and cool tool for writing automated acceptance tests to support software development in a Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) style.
Instant Cucumber BDD How-to will highlight Cucumber's central role in a development approach called Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), describe how to write Cucumber features to drive development in a real project, and finally introduce some famous third-party libraries used inline with Cucumber.
It will show you how to carry out all the tasks associated with BDD using Cucumber and write basic Cucumber steps. It will assist you in using Pro tips for writing expressive Gherkin and implement guidelines for writing DRY steps. You'll learn how to use Cucumber's Gherkin to describe the behavior customers want from the system in a plain language.
What you will learn from this book
Understand essential concepts of TDD and BDD
Write basic Cucumber steps and get it running
Learn basic knowledge of writing Cucumber tests
Create behavior-driven real projects using Cucumber
Use Pro tips for writing expressive Gherkin
Implement guidelines for writing DRY steps
Explore some popular and useful third-party gems used with Cucumber
Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This standard How-to guide explains the essence of Cucumber, describing how to write Cucumber features to drive development in a real project, and also describe many pro tips for writing good Cucumber features and steps.
Who this book is written for
Instant Cucumber BDD How-to is great for an Agile software development team that wants to adopt a behaviour-driven process using Cucumber. It assumes that the team is passionate in reducing communication gaps between developers and product managers, ensuring the development is always on the right track and always focused on minimum marketable value.