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Introducing Maven: A Build Tool for Today's Java Developers


Gain an understanding of Maven’s dependency management and use it to organize basic and multi-module Maven projects. This short book is your quick-start tutorial for learning to use Maven. It includes inconsistently immutable collections, better array construction, and more from the latest Maven version 3.6. This second edition covers the newest in today's most popular build tool for Java development and programming.  

You'll learn all about Maven and how to set it up. Firstly, you’ll cover the Maven life cycle and how to effectively leverage it. Also, you'll see the basics of site plugins, generating Javadocs, test coverage/FindBugs reports, and version/release notes. Furthermore, you'll take advantage of Maven's archetypes to bootstrap new projects easily. Finally, you will learn how to integrate the Nexus repository manager with Maven release phases.

What You Will Learn 

  • Set up your basic project in Maven
  • Create more advanced projects
  • Apply the Maven life cycle to your build
  • Work with Maven archetypes and manage Maven releases
  • Integrate with Jenkins, Eclipse, and other IDEs
  • Carry out debugging and password encryption

Who This Book Is For

Those new to Maven or those who are familiar with Maven, but maybe not with the latest Maven 3.6 release. 
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