I have often credited ignorance with the starting and building of my
business in 1977. I believe that if I had known what I was getting
into, I would never have done it in the first place. But that is not a
prescription for success, only for taking the risk. I probably could
have gotten a lot further, and a lot faster, if this book had been available
34 years ago.
In the intervening years, I have seen friends, family, and acquaintances
start businesses by the dozens. Some of them took the entrepreneurial
path because they truly wanted to. Others were pressed
into it as a result of layoffs, forced retirement, or burnout. Most
limped along in their fledgling enterprises, and many failed. None
of this was due to a lack of commitment, vision, or hard work. More
often, it was because of a lack of good advice, poor planning, and a
weak support network. |