DB2 Udb V8 And Websphere V5 Performance Tuning And Operations GuideThis IBM Redbook discusses the integrated environment of DB2 UDB and WebSphere Application Server (WAS), including design considerations, best practices, operation, monitoring, and performance tuning.
We provide an overview of the architecture and main components of both WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 and DB2 UDB V8. We introduce... |  |  SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse: Administration and Monitoring
This book offers a complete understanding of all administration tasks that arise in a live SAP NetWeaver BW system and provides guidance on ways to solve any problems that might occur. Coverage includes all topics relevant to administration and monitoring of SAP NetWeaver BW, including basic principles, tasks, analysis, and... |  |  An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLABMATLAB is a powerful programme, which naturally lends itself to the rapid implementation of most numerical algorithms. This text, which uses MATLAB, gives a detailed overview of structured programming and numerical methods for the undergraduate student.
The book covers numerical methods for solving a wide range of problems, from... |