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Pathology and Genetics of Skin Tumours (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours)


This book provides an authoritative guide to the histological and genetic typing of human tumors of the skin. This volume covers keratinocytic, melanocytic, appendageal, haematopoietic, soft tissue and neural tumors, as well as inherited tumor syndromes. Each tumor is introduced with a concise definition and discussion of nomenclature, followed by a summary of what is known about its incidence, age and sex distribution, location, clinical signs and symptoms, pathological features, associated genetic alterations, and predictive factors. Distinctive features are further characterized through the inclusion of over 600 color photographs and numerous MRIs, CT scans, and charts showing genetic alterations. The classification uses ICD-O codes from the third edition.

This book is in the series commonly referred to as the "Blue Book" series.
Pathology and Genetics of Skin Tumors

Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed, Dr. Zsolt B. Argenyi, Dr. S. Sankar Banerjee, Dr. Raymond L. Barnhill, Dr. Boris Bastian, Dr. Reuven Bergman, Dr. Maria G. Bernengo, Dr. Emilio Berti, Dr. Wojciech Biernat, Dr. Karen Blessing, Dr. Giovanni Borroni, Dr. Freddie Bray, Dr. Brigitte Bressac - De Paillerets, Dr. Joan N. Breuer-Mcham, Dr. Leena Brückner-Tuderman, Dr. Stanislaw Buechner, Dr. Gunter Burg, Dr. Walter Burgdorf, Dr. Eduardo Calonje, Dr. Ruggero Caputo, Dr. John Andrew Carlson, Dr. J. Aidan Carney, Dr. Rino Cerio, Dr. Lorenzo Cerroni, Dr. John K.C. Chan, Dr. Sergio Chimenti, Dr. Claudio Clemente, Dr. Jan Willem Coebergh, Dr. Martin G. Cook, Dr. Richard I. Crawford, Dr. Bernard Cribier, Dr. Kerry A. Crotty, Dr. Esther De Vries, Dr. Florence Demenais, Dr. Carlos Diaz-Cascajo, Dr. José L.. Diaz-Perez, Dr. Reinhard Dummer, Dr. Lyn Stuart Mcdivitt Duncan, Dr. J.C. Ehrhart, Dr. David E. Elder, Dr. George W. Elgart, Dr. Ervin H. Jr. Epstein, Dr. M.A. Everett, Dr. Josef Feit, Dr. Cyril Fisher, Dr. Michael J. Flaig, Dr. Philippe Galinier, Dr. Earl J. Glusac, Dr. Robert James Gorlin, Dr. Christof Gross, Dr. Joan Guitart, Dr. Eckart Haneke, Dr. Nancy Lee Harris, Dr. Wolfgang Hartschuh, Dr. Jeff D. Harvell, Dr. Catherine A. Harwood, Dr. Peter J. Heenan, Dr. Beate M. Henz, Dr. Jana Hercogova, Dr. Mark A. Hurt, Dr. Matilde Iorizzo, Dr. Keiji Iwatsuki, Dr. Elaine S. Jaffe, Dr. Craig James, Dr. Steven Kaddu, Dr. Marshall E. Kadin, Dr. Hideko Kamino, Dr. Grace F. Kao, Dr. Richard C. Kasper, Dr. Dmitry V. Kazakov, Dr. Werner Kempf, Dr. Helmut Kerl, Dr. Paul Kleihues,D R. Robert Knobler, Dr. Sabine Kohler, Dr. Steven Kossard, Dr. Kenneth H. Kraemer, Dr. Michael Kurrer, Dr. Heinz Kutzner, Dr. Liliane Laroche, Dr. Philip E. Leboit, Dr. King-Chung Lee, Dr. Jann Lübbe, Dr. John C. Maize, Dr. Robin Marks, Dr. Magdalena Martinka, Dr. Daniela Massi, Dr. Timothy H. Mccalmont, Dr. William H. Mccarthy, Dr. Jennifer Mcniff, Dr. Neil Scott Mcnutt, Dr. Chris J.L.M. Meijer, Dr. Yebabe M. Mengesha, Dr. Darius Mehregan, Dr. David Mehregan, Dr. Thomas Mentzel,Dr. Sonja Michaelis, Dr. Martin C. Jr Mihm, Dr. Wolter J. Mooi, Dr. Michael B. Morgan, Dr. Rohan J. Mortimore, Dr. Eduardo Nagore, Dr. Paula North, Dr. Hiroko Ohgaki, Dr. Salvatore Pala, Dr. James W. Patterson, Dr. Rita O. Pichardo, Dr. Nicola Pimpinelli, Dr. Elizabeth Ralfkiaer, Dr. Ronald P. Rapini, Dr. Luis Requena, Dr. Margaret Haskell Rinker, Dr. Christian Rose, Dr. Renato Rosso, Dr. Pierre Rudolph, Dr. Dirk Ruiter, Dr. Robin Russell-Jones, Dr. Arno Rütten, Dr. Ruth Salom, Dr. Ignacio Sanchez-Carpintero, Dr. Christian A. Sander, R. Omar P. Sangueza, Dr. Daniel Jose Santa Cruz, Dr. Marco Santucci, Dr. Alain Sarasin, Dr. Ulrico Schmid, Dr. Tilman Schulz, Dr. Richard Scolyer, Dr. Ratnam K. Shanmugaratnam, Dr. Henry G. Skelton, Dr. Kathleen J. Smith, Dr. Bruce R. Smoller, Dr. Leslie H. Sobin, Dr. Alan Spatz, Dr. Wolfram Sterry, Dr. Geoffrey Strutton, Dr. Daniel W.P. Su, Dr. Steven H. Swerdlow, Dr. John F. Thompson, Dr. Yoshiki Tokura, Dr. Massimo Tommasino, Dr. Jorge Toro, Dr. Antonella Tosti, Dr. Goos N.P. Van Muijen, Dr. James Vardiman, Dr. Camilla Vassallo, Dr. Janine Wechsler, Dr. David Weedon, Dr. Wolfgang Weyers, Dr. Wain L. White, Dr. Sean J. Whittaker, Dr. Mark R. Wick, Dr. Robb E. Wilentz ,Dr. Rein Willemze, Dr. Richard Williamson, Dr. Wyndham H. Wilson, Dr. Xiaowei Xu, Dr. Lawrence L. Yu, Dr. Bernhard Zelger,


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