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PHP-Nuke Garage

PHP-Nuke Garage, 9780131855168 (0131855166), Prentice Hall, 2005

Enter your PHP-Nuke Garage... where you master the most powerful, cheap (and/or free) Web content system ever created, then use it to build great Web sites, portals, or communities... hands-on, step-by-step.

PHP-Nuke is remarkably capable and reliable, but until now, it's been poorly documented. This book fills the gap. Best of all, you can use it even if you have no experience with PHP, databases, coding, or hosting. Drawing on practical examples from a live example site, top IT author/trainer Don Jones illuminates every facet of working with PHP-Nuke: installation, configuration, customization, security, day-to-day administration, and much more.

Topics include: content delivery, design and themes, forums, journals, downloads, member lists, news/reviews, personalization, RSS, archiving, FAQs, feedback, statistics, surveys, pay sites, AvantGo mobile content, Amazon e-commerce links, and more. Jones even shows how to find a PHP-Nuke hosting service to handle the infrastructure for you -- so you can focus on content, not technology.

Organized into 66 easy modules, designed for rapid learning, and based on real examples, PHP-Nuke Garage will help you create the interactive site you've always wanted -- faster than you ever thought possible.

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