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Professional ASP.NET MVC 5

Professional ASP.NET MVC 5, 9781118794753 (1118794753), Wrox Press, 2014

ASP.NET MVC insiders cover the latest updates to the technology in this popular Wrox reference

MVC 5 is the newest update to the popular Microsoft technology that enables you to build dynamic, data-driven websites. Like previous versions, this guide shows you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts. It covers controllers, views, and models; forms and HTML helpers; data annotation and validation; membership, authorization, and security.

  • MVC 5, the latest version of MVC, adds sophisticated features such as single page applications, mobile optimization, and adaptive rendering
  • A team of top Microsoft MVP experts, along with visionaries in the field, provide practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics
  • Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more

Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 is the comprehensive resource you need to make the best use of the updated Model-View-Controller technology.

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