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Social Media Commerce For Dummies

Social Media Commerce For Dummies, 9781118297933 (1118297938), For Dummies, 2012

Capture customers and sales with social media commerce

Social media commerce is a booming industry. By using social networks in the context of e-commerce transactions, brands large and small are making their products more available and more convenient for customers. This one-of-a-kind guide introduces you to social media commerce and explains how you can use social media to provide better customer service, collect payments online, and build your customer base. Online marketing expert Marsha Collier helps you determine where you have the best opportunity to reach your market, which sites you should integrate with, and much more.

  • Your customers are communicating with each other via social media; making purchasing opportunities available on social media sites adds convenience for your customer and opens up new sales opportunities
  • This step-by-step guide explains social media commerce and shows what you can accomplish
  • Helps you determine the sites where your business should have a presence
  • Demonstrates how customers can help promote your brand as they recommend products and services to others on their social networks
  • Author Marsha Collier is the undisputed expert on eBay and a recognized authority on social media marketing

Social Media Commerce For Dummies helps you offer your customers better service while giving them the opportunity to share information about your product with their social media contacts.

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