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The Art and Craft of Writing: Secrets for Taking Your Writing to the Next Level

Up your writing game! 

Practical, hands-on fiction writing fundamentals. Delve into the secrets of writing fiction, presented in clear language to make them easily-graspable and useable.

Lamplighter brings her years of writing and editing experience to this new approach to understanding storytelling and how its many parts work together to weave a well-crafted and entertaining tale. Insights into theme, character, description, plot, portraying emotions, avoiding infodumps, dealing with tropes, and more.

New hope for writers in despair.

“The course is a treasure trove of practical, positive advice you can use immediately to improve your WIP or solidify your ideas for a new project.” Marina Fontaine, author of Chasing Freedom.

“I took L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright’s “Guinea Pig” writing class in November of 2018 and it definitely upped my game. Since “graduating” her course, I’ve sold over 30 short stories and 2 novellas (as of February 2021). Thanks, Jagi.” —James Pyles, author of multiple published short stories.

“I especially liked how you simply laid out ideas about story and characters, which instantly made me go, ‘Oh, yeah! I’ve seen that before!’... I felt that these were techniques that would have taken me ages to work out on my own, and seeing them simply stated has seriously helped me as a writer.”—Billy Charlton, teen student.

The New Solution Selling: The Revolutionary Sales Process That is Changing the Way People Sell
The New Solution Selling: The Revolutionary Sales Process That is Changing the Way People Sell

The original Solution Selling rewrote the rules for the sales profession. Today, the revolutionary yet practical Solution Selling method remains the primary selling process for salespeople competing in every industry around the world, and in every size of business—from the smallest firms to the largest Fortune 500...

Microwaves and Wireless Simplified, Second Edition
Microwaves and Wireless Simplified, Second Edition
Every technical book that is written has a definite lifetime. This is true if it is a highly theoretical book or a book such as this one, which simplifies a highly technical field. This is why you see first editions, second editions, and so on. There is nothing wrong with this arrangement and it actually is a natural progression since it keeps the...
Finding Your True North: A Personal Guide
Finding Your True North: A Personal Guide

Based on Bill George’s bestselling book True North, this personal guide offers leaders a comprehensive method for identifying their unique “True North.” The book offers methods for personal reflection and includes targeted exercises that help leaders hone in on the purpose of their leadership and developing their...

Intelligible Universe: An Overview of the Last Thirteen Billion Years
Intelligible Universe: An Overview of the Last Thirteen Billion Years

This interesting book reviews WMAP s main results (2003) and discusses in detail how the accurate qualitative results for the age of the universe and the Hubble constant were anticipated in an article published five years before in Acta Cosmologica, Krakow. In the final chapter on Cosmic Numbers , it is shown that, as a result of the...

Advanced Database Query Systems: Techniques, Applications and Technologies (Premier Reference Source)
Advanced Database Query Systems: Techniques, Applications and Technologies (Premier Reference Source)

Databases are designed to support data storage, processing, and retrieval activities related to data management. The use of databases in various applications has resulted in an enormous wealth of data, which populates many types of databases around the world.

Advanced Database Query Systems: Techniques, Applications and...

Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (Lessons from the ICU)
Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (Lessons from the ICU)

This book, part of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine textbook series,  provides detailed up-to-date information on the physical, cognitive, and psychological impairments that are frequently present following a stay in an intensive care unit and examines in depth the available preventive and therapeutic strategies,...

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