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The Art of UNIX Programming

The Art of UNIX Programming, 9780131429017 (0131429019), Addison Wesley, 2003

"Reading this book has filled a gap in my education. I feel a sense of completion, understand that UNIX is really a style of community. Now I get it, at least I get it one level deeper than I ever did before. This book came at a perfect moment for me, a moment when I shifted from visualizing programs as things to programs as the shadows cast by communities. From this perspective, Eric makes UNIX make perfect sense."
-Kent Beck, author of Extreme Programming Explained, Test Driven Development, and Contributing to Eclipse

"A delightful, fascinating read, and the lessons in problem-solvng are essential to every programmer, on any OS."
-Bruce Eckel, author of Thinking in Java and Thinking in C++

In this book, five years in the making, the author encapsulates three decades of unwritten, hard-won software engineering wisdom. Raymond brings together for the first time the philosophy, design patterns, tools, culture, and traditions that make UNIX home to the world's best and most innovative software, and shows how these are carried forward in Linux and today's open-source movement. Using examples from leading open-source projects, he shows UNIX and Linux programmers how to apply this wisdom in building software that's more elegant, more portable, more reusable, and longer-lived.

PC Technician Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA A+ Skills
PC Technician Street Smarts: A Real World Guide to CompTIA A+ Skills
Develop the skills you need in the real world

Hit the ground running with the street-smart training you'll find in this practical book. Using a "year in the life" approach, it gives you an inside look at the common responsibilities of PC Technicians, with key information organized around the actual day-to-day tasks,
Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach
Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach

"The promise of cloud computing is here. These pages provide the 'eyes wide open' insights you need to transform your business." --Christopher Crowhurst, Vice President, Strategic Technology, Thomson Reuters

A Down-to-Earth Guide to Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach provides...

Foundation XML and E4X for Flash and Flex
Foundation XML and E4X for Flash and Flex
This book started out as an update to my first book on Flash and XML. Originally, the idea was to update the content with the changes to XML in ActionScript 3.0. However, when it came to drafting the table of contents, I realized that there was a whole audience of Flex developers who would also benefit from a book about XML and ActionScript 3.0....

Formative Assessment in United States Classrooms: Changing the Landscape of Teaching and Learning
Formative Assessment in United States Classrooms: Changing the Landscape of Teaching and Learning

This book examines the history of formative assessment in the US and explores its potential for changing the landscape of teaching and learning to meet the needs of twenty-first century learners. The author uses case studies to illuminate the complexity of teaching and the externally imposed and internally constructed contextual...

Sculpture, Sexuality and History: Encounters in Literature, Culture and the Arts from the Eighteenth Century to the Present (Genders and Sexualities in History)
Sculpture, Sexuality and History: Encounters in Literature, Culture and the Arts from the Eighteenth Century to the Present (Genders and Sexualities in History)
This book investigates the wide-ranging connections between sculpture, sexuality, and history in Western culture from the eighteenth century to the present. Sculpture has offered a privileged site for the articulation of sexual experience and the formation of sexual knowledge. As historical objects, sculptures also draw attention to the...
User-Centered Web Development
User-Centered Web Development
When a technology such as the Web is first introduced, the primary concern is making sure that the technology works. As we become more experienced with designing web sites, the problem no longer remains the technical infrastructure but rather becomes how we can make a web site that is easy to use and meets the needs of the user. As a result, many...
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