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The First-time Manager

The First-time Manager, 9780814408216 (0814408214), AMACOM, 2005
So, what exactly is a new manager supposed to do? You have no
doubt met bosses who feel that their job is to tell others what to
do. Unfortunately, these managers really have not learned what
their role is. It is not to direct people, although some of that may
be needed. Rather, management should be the process of getting
people to become self-directed. The fifth edition of The First-Time
Manager will enable you to do that.

Application of the principles described in this book should
benefit anyone who is about to embark on a managerial career.
Our relationship with other human beings is the most challenging
opportunity that exists for us. It covers all aspects of our

If you are going to be a respected manager, you need to find
opportunities to gain the support and commitment of your direct
reports without having to use your positional power (your
title) over them. The best managers get their team members to
willingly do what they are supposed to, as opposed to doing it
only because the manager said so.

This book is written in a conversational manner, making it
easy for you to follow along and absorb the ideas presented.
You’ll find it easy to refer back to specific areas when problems
arise in the future. After several months of managing people,
reread the book. Many of the concepts will take on additional
usefulness at that time.
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