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The Man Who Loved Only Numbers

The Man Who Loved Only Numbers, 9780786884063 (0786884061), Hyperion, 1999

An affectionate if impressionistic portrayal of one of the century's greatest and strangest mathematicians. Though little known among nonmathematicians, Erdos, who died in 1996 at age 83, was a legend among his colleagues. According to Hoffman (Archimedes' Revenge, 1988), the Hungarian was so devoted to mathematics that he went without wife, children, steady job, or even a home, preferring to exist as the wandering guest of fellow mathematicians. He lived for math, announcing his visits with a hearty, ``My brain is open,'' posing and solving problems while subsisting on amphetamines and coffee (`` `A mathematician,' Erdos was fond of saying, `is a machine for turning coffee into theorems' ''), and forgoing pleasantries like ``Good morning'' to jump right in with, ``Let n be an integer.'' He published more than 1,500 papers with at least 484 coauthors, who pride themselves on their ``Erds number of 1'' (a figure indicating one's degree of separation from the master). Hoffman, who traveled with and interviewed many of his collaborators, weaves oral histories and clear mathematical explication into a digressive (sometimes too digressive), entertaining whole. Hoffman creates a full-bodied and eccentric character out of hundreds of quotations and anecdotes. Missing are the linear landmarks of conventional biography: Erdos doesn't get born until page 48, a precise account of his death is absent, and his most important mathematical discoveries are nowhere summarized. Though a biography, this book works like the best fiction, finding in a concrete universal to show what mathematics is and who the people are who uncover its truths. (8 pages b&w photos, not seen) -- Copyright ©1998, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

This book opens doors on a world and characters that are often invisible. -- The New York Times Book Review, James Alexander

Based on a National Magazine Award-winning article, this masterful biography of Hungarian-born Paul Erdos is both a vivid portrait of an eccentric genius and a layman's guide to some of this century's most startling mathematical discoveries.

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Advances in Structural Engineering: Mechanics, Volume One

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Ada 2012 Rationale: The Language -- The Standard Libraries

Ada 2012 is the latest version of the international standard for the programming language Ada. It is designated ISO/IEC 8652:2012 (E) and is a new edition replacing the 2005 version. The primary goals for the new version were to further enhance its capabilities particularly in those areas where its reliability and predictability are of great...

Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems: A Strategic Implementation Guide
Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems: A Strategic Implementation Guide

Praise for Business Continuity Planning for Data Centers and Systems: A Strategic Implementation Guide

"Continuity is a primary business driver. This timely book offers a refreshingly honest road map to informed decision making by one of the mission critical industry's foremost real estate experts....

Beginning Python (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Python (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Python

As a portable, open source, object-oriented programming language, Python combines remarkable power with clear syntax. And, as one of the fastest growing languages, Python manages systems and can be used for data mining and Web development. With this book, you'll learn how to program using the latest release — Python 2.4...

Hacking a Terror Network: The Silent Threat of Covert Channels
Hacking a Terror Network: The Silent Threat of Covert Channels
From a counterterrorism perspective, discovering terrorist communication networks
and methods is extremely important.Terrorists have demonstrated the
capability to exchange messages that vary from archaic (using human couriers)
to technologically advanced using “virtual dead-drops.”The popular press is full
Theory and Practice of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems: First International ICST Conference, TAPAS 2011, Rome, Italy
Theory and Practice of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems: First International ICST Conference, TAPAS 2011, Rome, Italy
This volume contains the 25 papers presented at the First International ICST Conference on Theory and Practice of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems (TAPAS 2011), held in Rome during April 18-20 2011, including three papers by the distinguished invited speakers Shay Kutten, Kirk Pruhs and Paolo Santi.

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