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Tried and True Object Development: Industry-Proven Approaches with UML (SIGS: Managing Object Technology)


Written by four experienced Nokia Telecommunications software developers, this practical book focuses on object-based and component-based software development. The authors concentrate on the most important issues in real-life software development, such as the development process itself, software architecture, the development of user interfaces, data management, and the development of large commercial software products. They illustrate the presented practices by means of the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Most modern software systems are interactive by nature. Systems communicate with a variety of external elements, such as end users, databases, printers, networks, and sensors. These entities communicate with the software systems by sending and receiving various types of events. Events emerge randomly and the systems must always be ready to handle them. The majority of software systems are thus event-driven. Communication is flexible; it is the interaction among these entities that typically is the most critical element of a system. Thus, software systems must handle events coming from various sources, and the main concern of software developers is developing applications that provide smooth communication with the outside world.

On the other hand, systems are just tools for end users. End users perform certain tasks with a system. The primary goal of the end user, for example, is to write a letter, to finalize the balance sheet of a company, or to send an e-mail. Thus, although events come from various sources and a system must respond to them, it is the end users who typically are in charge. The most important task of almost any system is to serve the end users. In this respect, the main concern of a software developer is to develop applications that provide the best possible support for the needs of end users.

Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Process Models (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Process Models (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

Bayesian analysis of complex models based on stochastic processes has in recent years become a growing area. This book provides a unified treatment of Bayesian analysis of models based on stochastic processes, covering the main classes of stochastic processing including modeling, computational, inference, forecasting, decision making and...

Sphinx Search Beginner's Guide
Sphinx Search Beginner's Guide

This book will serve as a guide to everything that you need to know about running a Sphinx Search Engine. In today's world, search is an integral part of any application; a reliable search engine like Sphinx Search can be the difference between running a successful and unsuccessful business. What good is being on the web if no one knows...

Excel 2002 from A to Z: A Quick Reference of More Than 300 Microsoft Excel Tasks, Terms and Tricks
Excel 2002 from A to Z: A Quick Reference of More Than 300 Microsoft Excel Tasks, Terms and Tricks
A handy listing of entries that define important Excel 2002 terms and describe key functions, this book organizes its data alphabetically by task. With this logical organization of information, even new Excel users can get answers quickly and easily. Topics such as how to calculate a financial function, create a chart, or set up a database list are...

Devices of the Soul: Battling for Our Selves in an Age of Machines
Devices of the Soul: Battling for Our Selves in an Age of Machines
"Self-forgetfulness is the reigning temptation of the technological era. This is why we so readily give our assent to the absurd proposition that a computer can add two plus two, despite the obvious fact that it can do nothing of the sort--not if we have in mind anything remotely resembling what we do when we add numbers. In the computer's...
Hacker Debugging Uncovered (Uncovered series)
Hacker Debugging Uncovered (Uncovered series)

Hacking is a natural need of many sentient beings. They pass along the thorny path of understanding the true essence of surrounding things, bent on destruction. Just look around: Atomic scientists split atoms, analysts split long molecules into lots of smaller ones, and mathematicians actively use decomposition. And not one of...

JAVA 2 Network Security (2nd Edition)
JAVA 2 Network Security (2nd Edition)

The complete insider's guide to securing Java 2 enterprise applications!

  • Building secure enterprise applications with Java 2!
  • Integrating Java 2 into your overall security strategy
  • Detailed coverage for managers, developers, netadmins, and security specialists
  • ...
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