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Using Office 2013: With Windows 8
Using Office 2013: With Windows 8

Learn Office the easy way, no jargon. Clear, concise and to the point. Using Office 2013 is the essential step by step guide to getting the most out of Microsoft Office traditional application (not SharePoint), providing a resource for both the beginner and the enthusiast.

This book explores constructing professional

Molluscan Shellfish Safety
Molluscan Shellfish Safety

In a time of rapid climatic, industrial and technological changes in molluscan shellfish producing and exporting regions, it is of the utmost importance to keep a keen eye on developing trends. This collection of recent research in molluscan shellfish safety, risk assessment, risk management, regulation and analytical methods presented at the...

Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science
Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science

Banish your fears of statistical analysis using this clearly written and highly successful textbook.  Statistics for Veterinary and Animal Science Third Edition is an introductory text which assumes no previous knowledge of statistics.  It starts with very basic methodology and builds on it to encompass some of the more...

Getting Started with Simulink
Getting Started with Simulink

Get up and running with Simulink with this hands-on, easy-to-read guide


  • Dig deep into Simulink
  • No unnecessary theory - start modelling right away
  • Complex concepts made easy through examples
  • Packed with illustrations and detailed step-by-step...
The Structure of Complex Networks: Theory and Applications
The Structure of Complex Networks: Theory and Applications

This book deals with the analysis of the structure of complex networks by combining results from graph theory, physics, and pattern recognition. The book is divided into two parts. 11 chapters are dedicated to the development of theoretical tools for the structural analysis of networks, and 7 chapters are illustrating, in a critical way,...

Memristor Networks
Memristor Networks

Using memristors one can achieve circuit functionalities that are not possible to establish with resistors, capacitors and inductors, therefore the memristor is of great pragmatic usefulness. Potential unique applications of memristors are in spintronic devices, ultra-dense information storage, neuromorphic circuits and programmable...

Statistics for Chemical and Process Engineers: A Modern Approach
Statistics for Chemical and Process Engineers: A Modern Approach

A coherent, concise and comprehensive course in the statistics needed for a modern career in chemical engineering; covers all of the concepts required for the American Fundamentals of Engineering examination.

This book shows the reader how to develop and test models, design experiments and analyse data in ways easily...

Urban and Regional Data Management: UDMS Annual 2013
Urban and Regional Data Management: UDMS Annual 2013

The Urban Data Management Society has organised international symposia at various locations throughout Europe since 1971, and UDMS 2013 marks its second visit to London. From its outset, UDMS has highlighted changes and trends in urban data and urban data management. However, the rate of emergence of new data and new technologies has never...

Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python
Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python

Incorporating machine learning in your applications is becoming essential. As a programmer this book is the ideal introduction to scikit-learn for your Python environment, taking your skills to a whole new level.


  • Use Python and scikit-learn to create intelligent applications
  • Apply...
Neutron Scattering, Volume 44 (Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences)
Neutron Scattering, Volume 44 (Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences)

This work covers in some detail the application of neutron scattering to different fields of physics, materials science, chemistry, biology, the earth sciences and engineering. Its goal is to enable researchers in a particular area to identify aspects of their work in which neutron scattering techniques might contribute, conceive the...

PostGIS Cookbook
PostGIS Cookbook

For web developers and software architects this book will provide a vital guide to the tools and capabilities available to PostGIS spatial databases. Packed with hands-on recipes and powerful concepts.


  • Integrate PostGIS with web frameworks and implement OGC standards such as WMS and WFS using...
Instant Autodesk Revit 2013 Customization with .NET How-to
Instant Autodesk Revit 2013 Customization with .NET How-to

A supercharged guide to creating your own plugins, add-ons, and customizations for Revit with .NET


  • Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results.
  • Master the fundamentals of programing with the Autodesk Revit 2013 API.
  • ...
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