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How to Do Everything Palm Pre
How to Do Everything Palm Pre

Maximize the power of your Palm Pre!

This easy-to-follow guide shows you how to get the most out of the innovative smartphone built on the Palm webOS platform. How to Do Everything: Palm Pre helps you navigate the interface, load data from various sources, and use all the communication features--phone, email, and...

ASP.NET MVC Framework Unleashed
ASP.NET MVC Framework Unleashed

In this book, world-renowned ASP.NET expert and member of the Microsoft ASP.NET team Stephen Walther shows experienced developers how to use Microsoft’s new ASP.NET MVC Framework to build web applications that are more powerful, flexible, testable, manageable, scalable, and extensible.

Foundation Joomla!
Foundation Joomla!

Do you want the ability to manage documents, photos, and other content over the Web but don't want to shell out thousands of dollars in proprietary solutions? Want to create an online community for your hobby or user group?

You're not alone. For thousands of like-minded around the globe, the answer is Joomla!, an open source content...

Build a Website for Free
Build a Website for Free

Build a Website for Free


Build yourself a state-of-the-art website.It’s incredibly easy... and it won’t cost you a dime! You need a website. But you don’t need the hassles that usually go with building one, or the expense of hiring someone...

Domain Driven Data Mining
Domain Driven Data Mining

In the present thriving global economy a need has evolved for complex data analysis to enhance an organization’s production systems, decision-making tactics, and performance. In turn, data mining has emerged as one of the most active areas in information technologies. Domain Driven Data Mining offers state-of the-art research and...

WordPress In Depth
WordPress In Depth

Advice and techniques that you need to get the job done.


Looking for ways to streamline your work so you can focus on maximizing your time? In Depth provides specific, tested, and proven solutions to the problems you run into every day–things other...

Mahara 1.2 E-Portfolios: Beginner's Guide
Mahara 1.2 E-Portfolios: Beginner's Guide

Mahara is a user-centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. These views helps you display your artefacts - text files, spreadsheets, images, and videos - in a way you choose and to the people you want. You can also create online communities and social networks through...

Getting Started with Audacity 1.3
Getting Started with Audacity 1.3

Using the Audacity software as the starting off point, we discuss what the software is, what it can do, how you can use it, and where you go to get started installing it. All of this information is grounded in some basic audio editing terminology and background for those that aren't so technology inclined.

Then we'll start...

The Web and Parents: Are You Tech Savvy?
The Web and Parents: Are You Tech Savvy?

Are you a parent with kids in elementary, middle, or high school? This book is for you. You may feel that your children are experts on using the Web, technology wizards, computer geniuses. Please don’t despair. First of all, they are not necessarily all of these things simply because they may know more than you do about using the Web....

Social Media 101: Tactics and Tips to Develop Your Business Online
Social Media 101: Tactics and Tips to Develop Your Business Online

100 ways to tap into social media for a more profitable business

In Social Media 101, social media expert and blogger Chris Brogan presents the best practices for growing the value of your social media and social networking marketing efforts. Brogan has spent two years researching what the best businesses are doing with...

Photoshop Elements 8: Top 100 Simplified Tips and Tricks
Photoshop Elements 8: Top 100 Simplified Tips and Tricks

Photoshop® Elements 8 Top 100 Simplified® Tips & Tricks includes 104 tasks that reveal cool secrets, teach timesaving tricks, and explain great tips guaranteed to make you more productive with Photoshop Elements. The easy-to-use layout lets you work through all the tasks from beginning to end or jump in at random.


SolidWorks 2010 Bible
SolidWorks 2010 Bible

The only guide you need to learn the leading 3D solid modeler program, SolidWorks.

This in-depth guide goes into extensive detail, not just on "how" the software works, but in many cases "why" it works the way it does.

  • SolidWorks is a powerful 3D solid modeling system that is popular...
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