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Digital Photography in Available Light: Essential Skills, Third Edition (Photography Essential Skills)
Digital Photography in Available Light: Essential Skills, Third Edition (Photography Essential Skills)
This comprehensive guide teaches all the digital skills the amateur or student photographer will need when photographing on location, written in a practical no nonsense and entertaining style

Digital Photography in Available Light is an inspirational guide as well as a structured learning tool for mastering the essential
Photoshop CS5 For Dummies
Photoshop CS5 For Dummies

The bestselling guide to the leading image-editing software, fully updated

Previous editions of this For Dummies guide have sold more 650,000 copies. Richly illustrated in full color, this edition covers all the updates in the newest version of Photoshop, the gold standard for image-editing programs. Used by...

Google Analytics 2.0
Google Analytics 2.0

Site Stats on Steroids

Is your Web site serving its purpose? To find out, you need to analyze factors related to what the site is supposed to do. Site statistics give you raw numbers, but Web analytics are like site stats on steroids. Analytics crunch those raw numbers into meaningful metrics—information you...

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists
Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists

Feature engineering is a crucial step in the machine-learning pipeline, yet this topic is rarely examined on its own. With this practical book, you’ll learn techniques for extracting and transforming features—the numeric representations of raw data—into formats for machine-learning models. Each chapter guides you...

Apple Pro Training Series : Advanced Editing Techniques in Final Cut Pro 5
Apple Pro Training Series : Advanced Editing Techniques in Final Cut Pro 5
In the only Apple-certified guide to advanced video editing techniques, award-winning filmmaker Michael Wohl delivers comprehensive training in the real-world skills that professionals use every day. Working through six hours of superb raw footage on two DVD-9 discs, you'll learn to cut dialogue, action, comedy, chases, fights, interviews,...
Intelligent Sensor Design Using the Microchip dsPIC (Embedded Technology)
Intelligent Sensor Design Using the Microchip dsPIC (Embedded Technology)
In this book, readers will find:

In-depth design techniques, real-world examples, detailed figures and usable code

Application chapters thoroughly exploring temperature, pressure and load, and flow sensors

A FREE CD that provides a toolkit of software models in both C and assembly language

AJAX Black Book
AJAX Black Book
This book, AJAX Black Book, discusses what Ajax is and what it means to Web developers, as well as the technologies behind Ajax applications. Working through this book, you'll discover how Ajax gives web developers the ability to build applications that are more interactive, more dynamic, more exciting and enjoyable for their users. This book shows...
Beginning Python Visualization: Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts (Books for Professionals by Professionals)
Beginning Python Visualization: Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts (Books for Professionals by Professionals)

We are visual animals. But before we can see the world in its true splendor, our brains, just like our computers, have to sort and organize raw data, and then transform that data to produce new images of the world. Beginning Python Visualization: Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts discusses turning many types of small data...

Professional Oracle Programming (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Oracle Programming (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Oracle Programming

If you are a developer who wants to use Oracle to build effective, robust, and scalable software applications, look no further. Written by a team of leading authorities on the Oracle database, this example-packed book is divided into three main areas: how the Oracle database works, how to use SQL and programming...

Materials for Design
Materials for Design

Over the last 10 years there has been a huge growth in the area of materials and design, but most books on the subject deal with advanced, semi-formed materials (that is, materials sold as sheet, rod, tube, etc.). This new book provides much-needed information on the raw materials, and the 'low-down' on what these materials can be...

Machine Learning for Audio, Image and Video Analysis: Theory and Applications
Machine Learning for Audio, Image and Video Analysis: Theory and Applications
Machine Learning involves several scientific domains including mathematics, computer science, statistics and biology, and is an approach that enables computers to automatically learn from data. Focusing on complex media and how to convert raw data into useful information, this book offers both introductory and advanced material in the combined...
Final Cut Express 2 Editing Workshop (DV Expert Series)
Final Cut Express 2 Editing Workshop (DV Expert Series)
Nonlinear, or digital, editing involves the manipulation of digitized video. Software applications permit the editor to cut, splice, make transitions, and edit film more precisely than was ever possible with conventional film editing techniques. Final Cut Express 2 is an inexpensive version of Apple's Final Cut Pro software, the leading nonlinear...
unlimited object storage image
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