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501 Killer Marketing Tactics to Increase Sales, Maximize Profits, and Stomp Your Competition: Revised and Expanded Second Edition


Bigger, Badder, Better!

A few years back, marketing super-guru Tom Feltenstein in rewrote the book on high-impact marketing that works. Fast-forward to today and new technologies, more sophisticated consumers/competitors, and a whole new media landscape have changed all the rules. In response, Feltenstein has upped his game, and in , he delivers even MORE sure-fire marketing strategies and tactics that let you outwit, outthink, and outsell the other guy.

Based on case studies of clients ranging from small nonprofits to giants like Coca-Cola and McDonald's, this book delivers tips and tricks on a range of hot topics:

  • Planning the Battle--and Choosing the Right Tactics
  • eMarketing, Digital Media/Social Networking
  • Grand Opening/Reopening and Holidays
  • Four Walls Marketing
  • Direct Mail and Ads, Coupons and Tear-outs, Event Tie-ins, and Gift Certificates
  • Marketing Measurement

No matter what your budget is, you can still wage cutting-edge marketing and promotional campaigns that get the word out about your business, cement the loyalty of your existing customers--and win more new customers than you can handle.

BigNum Math: Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic
BigNum Math: Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic
The origins of this book are part of an interesting period of my life. A period that
saw me move from a shy and disorganized young adult, into a software developer
who has toured various parts of the world, and met countless new friends and
colleagues. It all began in December of 2001, nearly five years ago. I started a
Folding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet to Form
Folding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet to Form

Many designers use folding techniques in their work to make three-dimensional forms from two-dimensional sheets of fabric, cardboard, plastic, metal, and many other materials. This unique book explains the key techniques of folding, such as pleated surfaces, curved folding and crumpling. An elegant, practical handbook, it covers over 70...

Solaris 9 Sun Certified System Administrator Study Guide
Solaris 9 Sun Certified System Administrator Study Guide

Here’s the book you need to prepare for Sun’s Solaris 9 System Administrator Exams. This Study Guide provides:

  • Assessment testing to focus and direct your studies
  • In-depth coverage of all official exam objectives

Authoritative coverage of all exam objectives, including:

People Skills
People Skills
This is a book intended for a wide readership, covering a range of occupations that come under the broad heading of ‘people work’. This includes health and social care staff, social workers, staff in professions allied to medicine, youth workers, counsellors, advisors, advocates, personnel officers and other managers,...
Kant's 'Critique of Practical Reason': A Critical Guide (Cambridge Critical Guides)
Kant's 'Critique of Practical Reason': A Critical Guide (Cambridge Critical Guides)

The idea for this project grew out of a conversation between Jens Timmermann, Steve Engstrom and Andrews Reath at a conference on Kant’s moral philosophy hosted by Peking University in May 2004. We believe that Andy suggested that there was a need for a volume of new essays on the Critique of Practical Reason, and Jens suggested that we...

Adult Reconstruction (Orthopaedic Surgery Essentials Series)
Adult Reconstruction (Orthopaedic Surgery Essentials Series)

Written by leading experts from the Mayo Clinic, this volume of our Orthopaedic Surgery Essentials Series presents all the information residents need on hip, knee, shoulder, and elbow reconstruction in adults. It can easily be read cover to cover during a rotation or used for quick reference before a patient workup or...

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