Bypass the limitations of synchronous design and create low power, higher performance circuits with shorter design times using this practical guide to asynchronous design. The fundamentals of asynchronous design are covered, as is a large variety of design styles, while the emphasis throughout is on practical techniques and real-world applications.
Innovations in mobile communication, e-commerce, entertainment, and medicine all have roots in advances in semiconductor processing, which continually reduce the minimum feature size of transistors and wires, the basic building blocks of chips. This continual reduction supports ever-increasing numbers of transistors on a single chip, enabling them to perform increasingly sophisticated tasks. In addition, smaller transistors and wires have less resistance and capacitance, enabling both the higher performance and lower power that the integrated circuit market continually demands. |
 Understanding ADHDThe popular definition of ADHD has increased to include a number of disorders such as hyperactivity. This guide aims to give an overview of the various theories around, and provides suggestions for practical help for parents and also teachers and other carers.
Many parents worry about how their child is behaving, from time to time, but... |  |  Pancreas - Pathological Practice and Research
The pancreas is an unobtrusive organ, and the prospects and possibilities of solving the physiological and pathological nature of its behavior are numerous. When conducting a pathological study or an investigation of the pancreas, it is important to consider its anatomical and embryological basis as well as the occurrence of age-related... |  |  SmartWatch Design Fundamentals: WatchFace Design for Samsung Galaxy SmartWatches
Gain concepts central to smartwatch design, editing and animation correction using the popular open source Galaxy Watch Designer software package. This visual guide builds upon the essential concepts of smartwatch design, decoration, digital imaging, animation, function integration, and visual effects, and gets more advanced as chapters ... |